rivals backstory

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Meliodias first

5000 years ago meliodias gremory sirzechs and rias and veleanae gremory and zeldris gremory

zeldris and veleanae gremory were fighting the ruler of the gods

and they were fending off the ruler but failed to defeat him and got banished to the shadow of darkness and they were to never return and meliodias and the others were to late by the time they got there the ruler of the gods vanished

next merlin

5500 years ago
Merlin discovered the secret scroll of the devil clan

that the devils had been searching for for thousands of years when they figured out she had the scrolls they wanted her on there team

and they turned her into a devil

Next killua born only to lead the assassination program
he got trained in killing arts of all kind but do to a war the assassins got killed leaving only killua so they corrupted him into thinking they had nothing to do with it turning him into a devil

once he found out he sworn vengeance against the devil race

Next kurapika

born with the rare crimson eyes his clan hid from the spotlight fearing enemies would try to take that power no to long after
that he got sent to the devils cause his clan could no longer protect him

Next garou born to the weak and poor garou had no way to protect himself he was all on his own he  never knew his parents so for years he would study various martial arts and killing techniques vowing to protect his village

Next netero
2 days after he was born he was in trusted with godly power only known to the ancient ones his trainer nethero trained him showing him how to control his powers now netero is a leader of a devil club teaching his minors

Next akame
born with only a young sister akame had to grow up fast in a world of killing she had to learn how to kill herself

training with Swords akame easily became a master at it

until a fallen angel came and killed her younger sister that's when she activated her sacred gear killing her sisters killer

next Judai Yuki

Born in a world of powers Judai grew up with none until a certain someone he calls a pharo

He learned how to hear spirits and how to make monsters in the real life

Next murderer he grew up in a abusive family not knowing right from wrong good from bad his parents used to put there hands On him until his power awakened and he killed his parents by mistake because he didn't know how to control it

And yes all of them know each other now there on the same team

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