powers and rivals pt 1

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Ok let's get started


Powers fire manipulation

Fire breathing

Instant teleportation

Magic use

Dragon of the darkness flame

Hellfire chain able to turn into any weapon he wants it to and can kill anyone if they get hit with it no matter if there immortal

Title fire lion of anger

Immune to soul powers

Penet stare able to inflict all the pain they causes to someone if they look into his eyes

Lighting manipulation

Can't be hurt by any form of fire
the only fire that can hurt him is dabis fire

Lion form

True fire form

Controlled true fire form


K now that that is done next

Element air

Name Audra


Air manipulation

So powerful he can create tornados

Magic instant teleportation

Smoke manipulation

Lion mode

True air form

Controlled true air form

K next water

Name Arroyo


Water manipulation

So powerful he can create tsunamis


Instant teleportation

Blood bending

Lion mode

True water form

Can make legs with it also

Controlled true water from

K next nature

Name solstice

Multi colored hair cause he's the strongest


Nature manipulation

So power he can create earthquakes


Instant teleportation

Lava sand metal bending

Lion mode

True nature form

Controlled true nature form

Now rivals

Neteros club

The king netero


Full power

Now queen


Now knights


The One Who Ran Away Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora