Under the Lights

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Blurb: The King's Cross Station had always been a busy place in London, England. As one of the most important transportation venues, one would always be able to see crowds of people, bustling about with their luggage and hurrying along to catch their trains, regardless of which hour of the day, or which day of the week, or which season of the year. But the train station naturally saw its most hectic days during Christmas. It was this holiday that prompted people to leave all their worries and troubles behind, and to travel, and enjoy the cheerful spirit. And every year, during the Christmas season, the same tall, handsome and beautifully decorated Christmas tree would be placed in the centre of all platforms at the station. Only, everyone was either too distracted reaching their platform, or greeting their friends, or checking their luggage and tickets, to notice. Not one single person stopped for one single moment to appreciate the beauty and merriness of the tree.

Not one, except for her.


Pairings: [Draco, Hermione]

Rating: T

Love-o-centage: 101%


Personal Comments:

To be honest, this fanfic might come across as a giant blob of cliché to some. I still love it though. When you manage to look over the very common tropes embedded in this one shot, you'll find that the cuteness in this fic is utterly overwhelming. Christmas has always made me feel some type of way that I could never seem to interpret. This lil thing right here encloses basically everything I love about Christmas. Love, the trees, friends, and of course, snow.


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