“Uh,” Kasha mumbles as she looks at the list of drinks. He runs his finger through his wavy, brown hair as he waits for her to decide, “Can I have a long Island Ice tea, please?” She asks.

He smiles at her and nods before quickly jotting it down on his notepad and then turning to me, “And you?”

“I’ll have a blue raspberry slush,” I say.

He writes down my order, “Okay, I’ll be back with your drinks and just call me when you’d like to order,” he says.

Kasha thanks him and follows him with her dreamy eyes as he walks away. She then falls back into her chair, “He is so gorgeous.”

 I giggle, “Yeah he is and he was definitely checking you out,” I state.

“And I was definitely checking that ass out.”

I shake my head, “So what are you having?” I chuckle as I scan the mouth watering meals on the menu.

“I’m going to have some fries and some prawns.”

“Yeah, I might just have some fries and a beef burger,” I say. Minutes later, Ryan arrives at our table, carrying too large glasses of refreshing beverages.

“Here you go ladies,” he says as he carefully places our tall glasses in front of us. “Now are you ready to order?” He asks, smiling politely.

“Yes, we’re ready,” Kasha smiles as she plays with a lock of hair, “I’ll have some fries and the fried prawns.”

He nods and quickly writes it down before turning to me, “And I’ll have some fries and a beef burger please,” I say.

He continues to write my order down, “Okay perfect! Is there anything else?”

“We’re fine thank you,” Kasha smiles. He smiles back at her before walking away, leading her to blush and sink into her chair in embarrassment. “Did you see his smile?” she asks before letting out a dreamy sigh.

We continue to converse about our waiter like horny teenage girls as we wait for our food to arrive. Twenty minutes later, as Kasha’s applying a coat of lip gloss, our food turns up. “Mm, yummy,” she says as Ryan places her scrumptious plate of food in front of her. He chuckles and grins at her before handing me my appetizing meal.

“Well enjoy,” he says, “If you need anything just call me,” he smiles.

We both smile and thank him as we begin to tuck into the feasts in front of us. I stab my fork into my crispy fries and greedily stuff a few into my mouth as I let out a heavenly moan. “These are so good,” I mumble with my mouth half filled with food, completely forgetting the table manners that my parents spent the first ten years of my life drumming into my head.

Kasha nods as she takes a bite out of her prawns, “Yum! Try these,” she says as she places a crispy prawn onto the side of my plate. We continue to devour our meals, laughing and giggling as we chatter away with one another.

Thirty minutes later, I sink back into my chair, clutching onto my oversized stomach as I let out a grumble. The buttons on my jeans look as if they’re going to burst open any second now as my seventeen week pregnant belly sticks out in front of me. “I feel so fat,” I mumble.

Kasha grumbles something as she rubs her bloated stomach before letting out an unexpected burp. She flies her hand over her mouth in embarrassment before saying, “I literally put on four pounds every time I come to eat here.” I quickly clear my throat and sit upright as I see Ryan approaching with the bill.

He places the bill on the table before asking, “Finished?” we both nod as he begins to clear away our plates, “Did you enjoy your meals?

“They were lovely,” Kasha says, “The only thing is that I don’t think I’ll be leaving this seat anytime soon.”

He lets out a laugh and says, “We get that a lot here,” before walking away.

After paying for the bill, Kasha and I both exit the restaurant, arm in arm as we make our way to the car. “So what are you doing tonight?” Kasha asks.

“Well, I’m going out for dinner with Damion,” I smile.

“Awe, where to?” She questions.

“I’m not sure, I’ll find out when-” I’m interrupted midsentence by someone calling out my name from across the road. I pause and pucker my brows in confusion, unsure of whether I heard right.

“Kayla!” The person calls once more, the voice sounding unusually familiar. I slowly turn around and to my horror standing across the road, staring straight at me is Derek. My heart begins to rapidly beat as I meet his gaze whilst he jogs across the road, smiling as he comes closer.

He grins, revealing his perfectly white teeth and his faint dimples as he says, “Kayla...” My mouth simply hangs open as words are unable to form, “How are you?” He asks.

I nervously reply, “Uh, I’m fine.” 

“You look,” he glances down at my stomach and then back to my face, “Great.”

I raise my eyebrow, “Likewise.”

“I’ve been trying to call you recently but...” he trails off.

“Yeah, my phones been acting a little weird lately,” I lie as I run my fingers through my hair, avoiding eye contact.

He sadly smiles as she faintly shakes his head, “You don’t have to lie to me Kayla, I only want to talk to you, that’s it.”

Kasha rolls her eyes in disbelief; she then places her hand on her hip whilst looking uninterestedly at him. He turns to face her and ineptly smiles, “Kasha...”

“Derek,” she coldly mutters, her eyebrows slightly rising in disapproval.

He awkwardly nods at her before returning to me, “I know we really didn’t leave off on the right foot the last time...” He explains, “But at least take my number, just in case you ever want to talk.” He takes out a piece of paper from his pocket and quickly scribbles down his number before holding it out to me.

I shake my head, “It’s okay, I’ve already got your number,” I say.

He nods before letting out a sigh and placing his hands in his jeans pockets. “Well, see you another time,” he says as he raises his hand to say goodbye and softly smiles before turning around and walking away. I stand there and gaze at him as he walks on, sighing as my eyes begin to fill with tears.

"You are not going to cry, are you?" Kasha asks. 

“It’s just that I can’t believe what’s happened to us...” I confess, “I always thought that if we ever broke up we’d always be friends, but now I can’t even talk to him.”

Kasha lets out a sigh, “Look, you don’t even need to worry about him. He was the one that messed things up, not you. You’ve got the most perfect boyfriend who I’m sure will love you one day more than Derek ever could, so don’t waste your tears on that stupid jerk, okay?” I thankfully smile at her before drawing her into a tight hug. She wraps her arms around me, “Now just forget about him,” she instructs. I nod, continuing to securely embrace her as I snuggle into her shoulder.

I let go before saying, “I love you,” as I pout my lips.

“I love you too but can we go inside of the car now because I’m starting to get cold,” she says, shivering.

“What it’s not even cold?” I chuckle as we make our way inside of the car and begin our journey home.  


Okay, sorry for the worst ending ever but I hope you enjoyed it. This may not have been my best chapter but I can promise you that you're going to love the next chapter! If you haven't voted already then please vote and please comment because I love reading your comments and i'll love to know what you thought of this chapter! 

Thank you for reading <3


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