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"Man it's too hot out here Benny man!" Says ham. He drinks a swig of his pop. We all agree. I take off my shirt and fan myself. I feel eyes on me and I turn to see al the guys looking at me. "Oh staring is rude you know!" I say with an annoyed tone. They all quickly turned away. We all continued to drink pop for a while , and the boys kept trying to add in a few stares at me. But all of a sudden we hear little bells. They all get serious. Then they all get up and head out to the field angrily. I give a mortally confused look and say "what's up?". The whole group kept walking in an angry silence to a group of boys near the center of the field. I proceed with them and recognize the boy in the middle. Phillips. "Hey Y/N. You look great. How have you been?" He Asks getting off his bike. I don't move. I have my hands tucked in my back pockets. I give him a light smile and say "I've been good Phillips." The all look severely annoyed at Phillips. I feel a pair of arms snake around me and a light head plopped on my shoulder. The mass was lighter than Benny. "It's just me don't worry." Says Smalls. I blush. I had never blushed before. I heard ham and Phillips fighting in the background. But me and smalls, even though we couldn't see each other we knew one and other was tuned in. His face inches closer to mine. I could feel his breath on my cheek. No one really seemed to notice. "YOU PLAY LIKENA GIRL." I turn my head quickly to the boys. They all begin to slowly look at me. I feel my heart drop. Ham looks at me. I immediately realize he's the one that said it. Phillips even gives me sympathetic look but then chuckles at ham. "Be here 11 tomorrow!" He says. He gives me a head gesture and I return it. "Oh and learn how to treat girls." He says before he takes off with his goons. Then it was just us. I stomp over to the dugout with the boys running behind me. "Y/N! No I didn't mean it like that!!!!" Ham said. I continue to grab my things and pack an extra pop. "So did you mean it exactly?" I say throwing my bad over my shoulder. He looks at me with sad eyes. Benny steps in and gives me a deep sincere look. "We just got you back we can't loose you that quick." Yeah Yeah Says. I sigh and put my bag down. A hard hitting flashback comes to mind.
"your an awful friend!" I yell at Squints. "I thought he liked you back!!!" He yells. "Man she told you don't tell him , and you still tell him." Says Yeah Yeah annoyed. "I cannot believe you told Benny I liked him!" I say with tears roaming down my face. They all wrap me in a hug. Benny hadn't reacted the way I had wanted him too obviously. When squints told Benny I liked him I thought Benny would at least  say ok. Benny didn't like any of it and said gross and eww and nasty girls. My heart broke but Benny was my best friend. We all pull away. Then a delightful thought comes to mind. "Let's go to the woods. I need to cool off." I say. "So your not mad?" Asks squints. I smile and say "your my best friends I can't be mad at your forever!" We all smile and walk away. I hear shuffling from a bush near by and I laugh. "YOU TOO RODRIGUEZ!!" I yell. A bashful Benny pops out of the bush and we al look to the woods.
End flashback
"You all are my best friends I could never be mad at you." I say. They all smile. "Well I got to get going. Anyone wanna come to my house?" I ask. Everyone comes up with a lame excuse. Probably because they know my lounging clothes or bras and shorts. "I'll go." Benny Says. They all give him a shocked look. Smalls even seemed a little jealous. I smiled at him. "Ok let's go." We all went out different ways but me and Benny walked close to each other until we reached my house. I opened the door and walked in. "HOLY SHIT"

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