"But you intended to take Ilta from me."

"I intended to pay the iron price for it." He grunted, his dirty lips curling.

    "Oh, that's right." She laughed. "You mother was from the Iron Islands, wasn't she? You aren't very... kraken-like."

  "And you have no-"

"I thought she may have taught you a little more about what paying the iron price truly was. You cannot just take anything, because there is always someone who can beat you. And that happened to you, unfortunately. You led your men to slaughter, kraken boy."

   He started to tremble a bit. "You won't take Dorne."

    "I won't," she agreed, hiding her triumphant smile. "But I will take your dignity." She took a few steps towards his unmoving body, Jon trailing like a cautious shadow. "Kneel."

   "What?" He swallowed his spit. "I would never kneel to you, bitch."

   "Watch your mouth," Jon growled, his sword even more at the ready.

   "Do you think I wanted to defile myself by marrying you?" She chuckled darkly. "We win and we lose. Today, you will lose. Proclaim me a Queen, and I'll let you go." The Stark sisters looked at each other in slight panic, hoping that she wasn't stupid enough to let him off of the hook.

  "Never," he repeated. "I could never kneel to you."

"I'll ask again," her voice was somewhat taunting. He spat at her feet, hitting her black boots. She stepped closer to him, almost going toe to toe with him. "How about this, you'll get on your goddamn knee, or I'll shoot you up so high in the sky that when your body hits the tip of the mountain it rips to so many shreds that not even the Old Gods and the New will be able to bring you back to life."

   Camorra Martell stood there for a second, both of them breathing heavily as everyone watched with careful and protective eyes, not even three steps away. "Fine." He grunted, lowering himself to one knee.

    "Say it." Jon spoke up, ready for their close contact to be over so that he could finally stop worrying.

  "Before we do this," Camorra said softly, raising his head. "At one point in my life, I had feelings for you." Andromeda hummed sarcastically, taking his words with less than a grain of sand. "Was there ever a time, a time where we could have worked out and been happy?"

    She pursed her lips. "Honestly?" He nodded his head. "Never. Not one time did I feel a thing for you." He let it sink in as he bobbed his head in rejection, the words that shouldn't hurt anymore still hurting him somewhat.

   Camorra's head was bowed and hers was raised, not putting her own head down to meet the top of his head. She looked straight ahead at the stone wall, and she could see why he had gone crazy in this room without windows. "If I am to lose my dignity, then you are to lose your life."

    Her head shot down at his words just in time for her to see him wildly swing a long dagger her way. She jumped before it could slice open her stomach, and out of instinct, her spear came flying through the air, almost cutting Jon who was coming to the rescue along with Arya. Andromeda's accurate aim sliced him right through his neck, slitting his throat in one smooth and graceful move, going so deep that his head was halfway detached.

     His eyes were somehow still alert, and in his last moments of life, she acted from her deep anger and kicked his head clean off, watching it bounce off of the wall and back towards her feet. His eyes were forever frozen in terror.

     She turned towards the Starks and Gendry, who was covering his mouth at her somewhat shocking action. Ser Davos, on the other hand, looked mildly proud. Sansa swallowed as she took her eyes away from the head, and Arya had a smirk on her face. "I'm sorry." Andromeda apologized.

  "Oh, no." Arya said, waving it off, still slightly amused by her violent action.

   With the adrenaline pumping through her veins, Andromeda said something she had been thinking of since they arrived. "I will help you take back the North from this dead bastard."

  Jon stepped forward. The thought of saving his home and his sister's kingdom was something that made his hopes spiral, but with what army could she do that with? "How?" Clearly, Sansa felt the same exact way. "You don't have the numbers."

    "With just me." She said strongly. "Your men won't even have to fight. Everyone wearing yellow and orange will be struck down, I swear it."

   "Not that I don't trust you, Andromeda," and the younger girl knew that Sansa was being honest about it. She would have grabbed Jon's hand and sent him away if she didn't trust her. "But what would you be getting out of this?"

   "Nothing." She answered honestly. "But I won't stand by and watch another's homeland be invaded like mine was."

"You have no obligation to us, Your Grace," Sansa said warily.

"I do." She argued. "I've married a man who is a Stark and a Targaryen, and now you are my family. And I will be damned seven times over if I let this happen to my family again."


this is mad melodrama, but we love that, right? critique this to your hearts desire! i love you guys so much for sticking with me for this long, that's for your reads and votes y'all.

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