Like right now, Stretch needed a drink on the asap. The induced alcohol honey wasn't enough, the sweetness over powering the bitter burn. He craved.

When the door to his room slammed open, he barely reacted as he rolled his skull to look up at his brother. A disinterested glint in his eyelights as Blue stormed in.

"YOU CAN'T SPEND ALL YOUR TIME IN YOUR ROOM!" Why couldn't he? It'll be better, anyways. He felt too out of place here.

Like a stupid copy of the original.

"Hehe," he laughed airily. "I can." He paused, watching his brother's face twist. "But I won't, I guess." Stretch quickly added, pocketing the honey in his pockets and pushed himself off his bed. Everything screamed at him to lay back down and continue to wallow in pity.

Blue's feature didn't change, worrying Stretch as he shoved his hands into his pockets.

"Are We Ever Going Home?" Blue whispered, his blue starry eyes returning to its natural white glow.

Stretch cringed at his brother's question. No.
No, they couldn't. Not without that machine. And it's been collecting dust ever since they started working on it four years ago.

"Yeah." Stretch replied, nodding his head. His hands balling up the fabric. His jaw tight. "Yep. We just need a little more time."

"You Keep Saying That." Blue snapped, a soft glare in his eyes. All playfulness no longer viewed within those odd white eyes.

Something stirred in his 'stomach'. Dread weighing on his shoulders at the defeated look Blue had. He lifted his hand and brought it down on his skull, softly rubbing the smooth, buzzing surface.

"Don't worry, bro." He couldn't say anything else. Stretch couldn't give his brother anymore false hope, that'll be too cruel of him to do so.

"I Miss...Alphys, Undyne And Chara." He muttered, not raising his head to meet his eyes. He begin to fiddle with his phalanges, twisting the hems of his white shirt, the familiar blue fabric wrapped around his neck, softly displaying itself underneath his shirt.

"I do too." Stretch said softly, as if he talked louder than he did, he's break his brother.

"BUT THEY WOULDN'T WANT US TO LOSE HOPE!" Blue sprung, balling his fists and looking up at his brother with those familiar blue stars, determination oozing out from his bones and intoxicating the room.

Surprised expression morphed into pure admiration as Stretch popped a lollipop in his mouth, shifting his weight with a curt nod. "Heh, you're so cool, bro."


The last few days were completely tiring as the first. They had stopped working on the machine to unwind themselves and relax around the house, much to their equally energetic brothers dismay.

Stretch had been absent most of the time, spending the rare breaks outside of the house and away from other skeletal-monsters. Venturing further into the city with a lazy step in his walk. He'd manuver himself out of the way of other bystanders, greeting those who he, somewhat, knew.

He turned into an alley before reappearing in the dark corners of Muffet's, his hoody up on his skull and his back pressed against the booth's board. His attention went to the protest happening outside, a low growl rumbled from his soul at the temperamental humans. Holding racial slurs on their crafted signs, chanting words he had heard ever since he's been dragged here—along with a few unfortunate monsters from his alternate. His Muffet's was one of them. The motherly spider had questioned him shortly coming too. After all, he used to be the royal scientist.

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