Prepare (pilot)

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It was dark darker than the void the only brightness was Leo's flashlight, it was lighting up the alley
"Where are we going?" Melissa asked rubbing her eyes
"It like 3 in the morning" Rebekah exclaimed yawning
"Shut up were close your going to get us caught"Lauren said whisper shouting.Lauren was the leader of this heist not of the group but just the heist she had short black hair and brown eyes that were only able to be seen thanks to leo's flashlight then a blast of light was seen in the distance. Lauren and Leo raced off to get there the other tiredly running behind
"Here we are" Lauren said
"The grand povalo castle the richest place to be" Leo said. Leo was the brains of the group and done most of the strategy he has dark brown messy hair and piercing blue eyes he carries a blade with him at all times due to an incident when he was younger and he has a huge scar down his left cheek
"So why are we here?"Rebekah asked rubbing her eyes and yawning the light of the castle hitting her face . Her hair was long and light brown she was the defence she had the strongest body and was even able to withstand a taser without going down her eyes were a grass green and shone in the night witch freaked people out all the time.
"Were here because theres a rumour saying that theres an underground dog fighting arena happening the now"Lauren exclaimed and made it seem like she was trying to tell a horror story
"The police refuse to do anything about it cause the castle has such a strong influence on people that we could turn on them all if there wrong"Leo said turning the flashlight off
"So thats why you broke into my house and dragged me here?"Melissa asked she had brown hair that faded to purple and her eyes were as blue as a crystal ocean and she was also the only one in there pink llama pjs.
"Yes"Leo and lauren said in unison Leo looking serious and Lauren smiling while doing a superhero pose

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