Chapter 1: Random Text messages

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Author chan here. Go follow me and Kiki's separate accounts Always_WyattsxAnd KikiIsNotHere

(Savanah's POV)

I walked down the school halls, ready to go home from the horrible day I was having.

I was just in a bad mood but I knew who could cheer me up.

I grabbed my bag from my locker and hugged my friends.

"I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I said in a fake happy voice and ran to the busses.

I was 17 and a junior. I know, it's weird but because of my birthday, it just has to be that way.

I sighed and got on the bus, not paying attention to any of the people trying to talk to me.

active now

Almost home?


Yeah I'll be there in like 10 minutes

I lived with my best friend Kiki, she was 18, although I'm underage, I will be 18 soon.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair as everyone's sweaty bodies lugged off the bus.

I stood up and slung my backpack over me and got off the bus.

I walked down the street and into our house.

It wasn't big but it wasn't small either.

It was two floors 3 bedroom. Although for how spacious it was, it didn't cost nearly as much as we thought.

I groaned and threw my bag on the couch.

Kiki walked downstairs and laughed at me.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled, kicking my shoes off and grabbing a Coke from the fridge.

"So what are we doing tonight?" She asked, toying with the charm bracelet I got her for her birthday.

(KikiIsNotHere wink wonk)

"I don't know. I'm most likely going to eat my feelings away." I said, sighing.

She smiled and I gave her a smile back.

When I walked past her I kicked her in the leg.

Which resulted in her chasing me around the house trying to hurt me with her foot.

When we had settled down she was sitting on the couch and I had my head on her legs, staring up at my phone.

active now




Good day?





sighed and turned off my phone, turning on the TV and rolling onto the floor.

I switched through the movies and shows and finally landed on The Princess and The Frog.

It grabbed Kiki's attention as she sat next to me.

I turned it on and we binge watched Disney movies all night.

When we got tired we went up to our bedrooms and hugged each other good night.

When I got into my room I collapsed on my bed and groaned into the pillow.

My phone kept ringing but I didn't answer.

For the soul purpose that I hated almost everyone in my contact list.

When I saw who was calling me I answered.

"Well what took you so long??????" He asked.

"Well I thought you were irrelevant." I said, giggling.

He sighed and chuckled at bit.

"Coming to the concert Sunday?"

I coughed on air and and fell off my bed.

"Exsqueeze me? I wasn't told about any concerts." I said.

"Shit." He whispered.

"You weren't supposed to tell me were you?" I asked.

"Nope." He replied, sighing.

I laughed.

"Tell you what. You give me 2 vip passes and maybe I'll show up." I said, biting my lip.

"Okay. You got a deal." He said.

I could feel his smirk through the phone.

"Alright well I gotta go to sleep or I'll be in a horrible mood in the morning." I said, sighing.

"Alright. Night Sav." He said.

"Night Killian." I said, hanging up.

"Was that your booooyyfrienddd??" Kiki asked, hopping on my bed.

I blushed a bit.

"No you crackhead!" I said, smacking her with a pillow.

She laughed and we ended up falling asleep in the weirdest position.

Because we were both truly crackheads.

First chapter done. It was rlly bad but my thumbs hurt so DEAL WITH ITT

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