"Wait, were you two really going to hook up?"

"Well, yeah! At least I think so. But then you came in, so she's coming over tomorrow night..." Scott recognizes his mistake, "I should not have told you that,"

"Nah, man, I swear I won't disturb anything that happens," David says.

"Alright, thanks, man," Scott says, him and David doing that 'bro-hug' kinda thing, you know.

"See you later man," David says.

"See ya," Scott exits.

David immediately turns towards the computer on Scott's desk and turns it on. The camera is angled just perfectly that the screen is visible.

David logs onto Scott's YouTube channel and connects his laptop to the computer with a USB. Then, the thumbnail for the video that got you fired pops up and you watch as David clicks "upload". You gasp aloud, nearly dropping your phone in shock.

You can't believe David would do something like this to you. But now that you think about it, it makes sense. For one, that video was strikingly similar to David's editing style, and you did reject him for Scott. Your mind races, trying to come up with what you should do.

You slide your phone into your pocket and exit the bathroom, slowly heading back to David.

"Hey, David?" You say as you enter his living room. David is relaxing on the couch, his arm resting along the back.

"Yeah, babe?" David replies, turning towards you. You cringe at the nickname, but make your way around the couch and sit near David.

"Did you... did you watch the video that Scott uploaded?" you ask him.

"Uh... I did, actually," David replies.

"Yeah... uh, what'd you think of it?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, don't you think it's weird how similar that video was to your vlogs? And the fact that it came out the day after I rejected you?" You say, sliding closer to David, examining his reaction. His signature smirk falters and a confused expression spreads across his face.

"That's definitely weird, but you know it's just a coincidence, obviously Scott's the one who uploaded the video," David says.

"Yeah... obviously." You pull out your phone, "Lemme show you this video I just found,"

"Alright, let's see it." David shifts closer to you to look over your shoulder. You play the video Scott sent you. The beginning plays: Scott and David just chatting.

"What... what is this?" David asks, confused.

"Apparently Scotty left his camera recording earlier and he caught something weird," You respond. David shifts uncomfortably.

David watches the video of him uploading the video to Scotty's channel. The color in David's face fades quickly as he realizes that he's been caught. You turn off your phone once the video is over and look at David, folding your arms across your chest.

"Y/N, look, I can explain," David says.

"Oh, really?" You stand from the couch for effect, "You're just gonna sit here and try to 'explain' to me the fact that you are the one who uploaded the video?"

"Why are you so upset? This didn't ruin your reputation, or anything, if anything, it gave you free promo," David responds.

"David, this isn't just about YouTube and my reputation. This is about the fact that you framed Scotty!" David stands up from the couch.

"I didn't frame Scotty!"

"You literally uploaded the video that got me fired to Scotty's channel and you were going to let us all believe that it was him who exposed us,"

"What do you mean fired? Your channel is doing fine, in fact, your views have already started to go up,"

"Is that all that matters to you? Views?" You say, stepping forward.

"That's what your whole YouTube career is based on, Y/N,"

"Not mine, David! You know that YouTube was supposed to be a stop on my music career!"

"Okay, but now more people will know you!" David says. You sigh, clenching your fists.

"David, you don't get it! I got fired from my job today because of your stupid revenge video!"

"What do you mean fired?" You groan, rubbing your forehead.

"I had a contract with a record label to make an album, but I had to stay single for publicity," you explain, "but, they just threw away my contract and all of the songs I had recorded because I broke the one rule they had! Because of you!" You nearly shout, your voice breaking at the end, your emotions beginning to take control. "All because I rejected you!"

"Y/N..." David says quietly. He reaches for your arm, but you pull away.

"Don't touch me!" you scream, rushing for the front door. You swing it open, but David shuts the door in front of you before you can leave.

"Y/N, listen to me!" He says.

"What?! What could you possibly say that could change how I feel about you right now?"

"Y/N, I had no clue that this would... would get you fired, I'm sorry! I didn't know," David says, his eyes pleading for you to forgive him. You clench your jaw and shake your head, avoiding his gaze. David leans towards your face.

"Please..." He whispers, "forgive me." You stare at the floor, the tears threatening to pour once again.

"No..." You say, looking up into his eyes. "I can't," You pull open the door, heading out into the rain towards your car. David follows you out into his yard.

"Y/N, please stay, we can figure this out!" He says.

"No, leave me alone!" You shout.

"At least let me drive you home, I can't let you drive in this weather," David says, just before you reach your car.

"You know what, David?" You say, turning towards him.

"What?" He replies.

"I'm going to the fucking airport-- and I'm buying a fucking one-way ticket back to fucking Florida!"

"Y/N, no," David says, trying to stop you from getting into your car.

"Y/N, yes!" You shout as you swing open your door and get in the driver's seat, immediately locking your doors. David knocks on your window repeatedly.

"Y/N, please, just come back inside, we can talk this out," David says. You ignore him and start your car, putting it in reverse and backing out of David's driveway. You watch as his house slowly disappears in your rear view mirror.

Jealousy | Scotty Sire X Reader (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now