"Sure." I assume this is her nice way of saying leave. I hate leaving her like this but I think she needs time to process everything. "Rachel, I'm only a call away." I say as I pull her in for a hug.

"I know." She smiles.

I am anxious to get back to my car and check my phone. Plus I need to call Gordon.

I have a new text from Martin. The address he sent is only a 20 minute drive. I think it's up the mountain. I guess I'll find out.

I send Emily a quick text letting her know I'll be home in time for the girls. She wanted to visit her aunt today so i don't feel as guilty for not being with her.

My drive is nice. No traffic, just back roads. I'm trying to stay calm but I'm super nervous to see where I'm going. I hit a dirt road and as I suspected I'm headed up the mountain. It's a bit scary because it's a tight road. Luckily it's a short drive before I reach my destination.

It's a tiny log cabin. The view is absolutely breath taking. You can see the entire town below.

"Hey there Darlin." Martin comes walking up the hill with a few logs. "How was your drive?"

"Interesting" I chuckle.

"Come on in, made lunch."

It's definitely a man cave inside. Nothing has been updated in what I would assume centuries. It's all open except the bathroom.

"Sit." He says as he pulls out a giant log.

"Okay....this is niiiiice." I say as I sit on the dirty log.

"O, come on now. Enjoy the gifts earth gave us." We both laugh.

"Okay-okay! The food looks amazing." He made fish and it looks delicious.

"Caught it this morning." He winks.

"So do you own this cabin?"

"Yes ma'am. My grand pappy left it to my dad and well now it's mine."

"That's pretty cool. It has an amazing view."

"Yeah, we'll eat up and I'll show you the best part."

We eat in silence. I'm anxious to see what's next. My stomach is in knots.

I decide to clean up the dishes while Martin puts more wood on the porch.

"Ready?" He hollers


As we start to walk I'm in awe at how amazing it is up here. I could sit here everyday and just watch the town.

My thoughts are interrupted when Martin grabs my hand. He pulls me close. We stare deep into each others eyes. I wait for him to kiss me but he just runs his hand into my hair.

"Look" he says so softly.

I look and it's the most crisp clear blue stream I've ever seen.

"Wow. How is it so clear?" I wait for his response. "Martin?" I turn around and he is taking his clothes off. My heart is pounding. My mouth dropped open.

"Take a picture doll face." He smirks. He walks over smacks my ass and runs straight to the water.

"What are you waiting for?"

"Is it cold?" I'm so nervous. My body isn't something I'm comfortable with. Maybe I'll leave my shirt and panties on.

"It's perfect. Come on." He yells as he starts swimming away.

Dammit. I hope he is still attracted to me naked.

I decide to risk it and take everything off. My bare skin hits the water and it feels amazing.

I swim over to Martin and he looks so happy. So as ease.

"What?" He asks as he pulls me close.

"Nothing you just seem so different today."

"Different how?"

"Happy." I hope this doesn't offend him.

"I signed my divorce papers today." He splashes me and swims away.

"Hey wait....."

"What? There is nothing else to say."

"Sure there is, there is a lot to say." I swim up next to him and playfully splash him back.

"What like, I'm happy. I never realized I was married for all the wrong reasons." His tone seems defensive.

"I'm happy for you." I decided to swim back to my clothes.

"Where are you going?"

"I should probably go home." I run to my clothes and put on my shirt. Before I can finish Martin is at my side.

He pulls my arm and lifts my chin to face him.

"Abby, I don't know what's going on with me or you or anyone. All I know is being around you has been...well...it's been better than all the years I wasted being married."

I'm speechless.

"I get it, you have Scott." He backs away.

"I don't know what I have or what I want anymore." I take a moment to just collect my thoughts and feelings.

Martin walks away and begins dressing. I decide I'll do the same.

The Ache Inside MeWhere stories live. Discover now