Nina came to a standstill in the middle of the doorway when she heard December's voice. She turned around slowly and walked back out of the police station.

"Balenciaga," Sergeant Thompson barked from inside, "if you need to talk to me, do it now. I don't have all day."

"December's outside," Nina whispered in a hostile tone before closing the door. She immediately regretted her decision to go to the station. As an undercover, she wasn't supposed to, but she had a bad habit of breaking that rule. She met December on the other side of the street. Thinking quickly, she began rubbing her wrists.

Noticing the movement, December frowned. "You got arrested?"

Nina nodded.

"I just saw you walking into the station alone. Why?"

Unable to answer his question, Nina directed her attention away from him. She was pleased to hear her partner's voice float over her shoulders seconds later.

"Nina, I thought I told you to wait in my car. One of those cops told me that you went back in there looking for me." Anthony approached Nina from behind. "What's good, December?"

"Not a damn thing," December replied. "What's going on?"

"Nina got set up with a cop, and he brought her in. They let her off with a warning, and she called me to pick her up since I live in the area."

December looked at Nina. "You couldn't say that?"

"I thought you'd be upset. Lo siento," Nina said.

December waved her off. "Later for that. You got more clients lined up?"


"Alright, let's go home, then."

Anthony grabbed Nina's hand and pulled her toward him. "Let me have her for a few hours, D." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a stack of money.

December thumbed through the bills, more than pleased by the amount. "I usually make the girls come home before seven, but you're my boy, so drop her off whenever you're done with her."

"Alright." Anthony intertwined his fingers with Nina's and led her away from December. He opened the passenger's side door of his car for her, and then got inside, speeding off immediately afterward. With a smile, he looked over at Nina. "I don't get any love for saving your ass, Balenciaga?"

"Of course you do." Nina loosened her seatbelt and leaned over to Anthony's side of the car, planting a light kiss on his cheek.

"That's it? You can give me a little more than that."

"Are you really that needy?"

"Yes. Come on. I'm paying for you," he joked, puckering his lips after he stopped at a red light.

Nina pushed him away from her teasingly. "No, you're disgusting."

"Stop playing. The light's about to change."


Anthony unbuckled his seatbelt and grabbed Nina, holding her still as he pressed his lips against hers softly for about four seconds. He released her just as the traffic light turned green.

Nina laughed and wiped her lips. "I'm pretty sure that was sexual harassment."

"If I'm going to jail, that kiss was worth it. Your lips taste like strawberries."

"Why are you so damn weird, Atkins?" Nina giggled. "This is why we're still fucking around with December. You play too much."

"You haven't requested a new partner yet, so I think it's safe to say that you don't mind it. You have to be able to have fun in this field, Balenciaga. If you don't, the stuff that you see while you're working will start getting to you when you're doing other things. To be completely honest with you, I didn't think you'd last a year when you started this job."

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