chapter 5

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*Class 1-gAy*

SparkleUwU: so when's the wedding

Deku: I don't think we've thought that far yet OwO

KatyPerry: That's something we should work out together how would we think that far ahead now?

SparkleUwU: idk

Pmic: Wow I'm so happy that worked out for you guys!

EyeDrops: your being too loud don't say your texts pls

Pmic: UwU

MOMo: So how is this going to work if we all are in high school?

Veronica: don't question it

CoffeeCat: ...

PanicRoomarthedisco: revelry in the dark

Shut: what the fuck?

Deku: *mint chocolate chip


Deku: -yes- nope nope nope sorry for correcting you Dear All might save me

PikaPikaBITCH: ....

PikaPikaBITCH: the fuck?

EyeDrops: remember no murder

Pmic changed their own name to PresentMic


Deku added AlMightSpeltWrong to the chat

Shut changed AlMightSpeltWrong's name to DekusDadMight

Shut changed Deku's name to IhaveLegs

IhaveLegs: HE'S NOT MY DAD !!(゜ロ゜ノ)ノ

DekusDadMight: are you sure about that?

IhaveLegs: what's my username supposed to mean

EyeDrops: you have switched to constantly breaking your legs, haven't you squidward?




PanicRoomarthedisco: What a shadowing darkness that has once again been returned to the light

PikaPikaBITCH: Did you mean I can't believe my serious teacher memed?

EyeDrops has left the chat

PresentMic: I'll go try and convince him to come back

PresentMic has left the chat

SlightlyAcidic: WOAH hold up, you speak birb?

PikaPikaBITCH: not just any type of birb but emo birb

SlightlyAcidic: dude

RunningInThe90s: what has this chat turned into!?

Veronica changed their name to AirPodsMyAss

AirPodsMyAss: the fuck is wrong with mineta!?

Everyone collectively: EVERYTHING

EyeDrops has logged on

PresentMic has logged on

IhaveLegs: what should we name the cat

Shut: princess explosion murder

KatyPerry: no

RunningInThe90s: fluffy

IhaveLegs: nuu think out of the box UwU

CoffeeCat: I take cats very seriously. If it's white with black paws and tail tip then I guess you should put that into thought. What about Socks?

IhaveLegs: I like it! Shoto, what do you think

KatyPerry: cool

IhaveLegs: Its been decided and only 4 people tried to help thank you for helping me

( Time skip 2 hours or so, brought to you by cats)

IhaveLegs: hey Shoto none of your siblings have pink hair but if you put the colors white and red together you get pink why is that

KatyPerry: I

KatyPerry: I don't know

Shut: the fuck is wrong with everyone

EyeDrops: because screw logic

IhaveLegs: why does 'screw logic' sound like a legitimate reason

PresentMic: ask endeavors it will make him go insane

SlightlyAcidic: what drama and hate goes between the hero's and teachers? Like if the teachers don't also hate endeavor then I might as well just sleep o on the floor in the hallway

EyeDrops: we also hate endeavor

KatyPerry: good

IhaveLegs: Shoto where are you

KatyPerry: In my room why

IhaveLegs: Socks somehow found a way to climb on the ceiling
Like he's upside down send help

EyeDrops: send a picture of your cat pls

KatyPerry: no he's cuter in person so no picture

CoffeeCat: I can't use my quirk over text I wish I could

Shut: how is this the most normal this chat has been?

IhaveLegs: kacchan do you need a hug because we were more normal in the previous few chapters when we weren't spamming conspiracies

RunningInThe90s: Wait! You shouldn't break the forth wall!! We talked about this!

PikaPikaBITCH: no u


EyeDrops: stop

(I drew the cat)  I'll put the drawing in the next chapter because THE INTERNET IS DOWN!! Sorry, I'm a bit mad.

Sorry again for the short chapter. It's just in not that great at this and idk what to write. Lol. I'm trying to write a big amount of this so that the few people who viewed my previous chapters don't think I'm dead. I'm going to go complain in another one of my stories now. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. :)

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