The wolf was running.

Where are we running off to?

"Jungmo?" I weakly mumbled. "Finally you saved me!"  I said in my weakest tone.

Suddenly the Wolf's pace slowed down on hearing me.

Confused, I got down from his back slowly and stepped back, surprised. The wolf didn't look like Jungmo. It was huge just as Jungmo is but the latter has grey furs whereas Jungmo had brown furs. Also his orbs were different from those of Jungmo's. His were blue in colour which symbolizes happiness but Jungmo's weren't like his'.

"W-who are you?" I stuttered at first but tried myself to sound confident.

He suddenly transformed to his human form.

"I'm Jinhyuk" He raised his hand for a shake, flashing a wide smile.

"H-hey!" I hold back my hands.

"I mean no harm alright?" He raised both his hands in the air indicating that he is harmless.

I bit my lower lip unsure.

"You're a human?" He asked, sounding surprised.

"Yeah?" I gave him a look , suddenly trying to sound calm and confident. "Aren't we humans allowed here?" He chuckled at my question.

"You're pretty interesting, human!" He whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine. "You're freaking out because of that?" He backed away and laughed.

"What is going on here?" A guy appeared from my back. "Wait what?" He eyed me then to that Jinhyuk guy, "A human?"

"Yeah!" Jinhyuk wrapped his arms over my shoulders. "A beautiful human. Isn't she?"

"Jinhyuk, you-" the latter sniffed and lets out a satisfying look.

"Don't you dare, Wooseok!!!" Jinhyuk warned the other.

"What if I don't?" The latter known as Wooseok let's out his fang and I froze at the moment. It's the first time I'm seeing fangs for real.

"Wooseok, you're scaring her!" Jinhyuk shouted and the latter pouted.

"I just wanted to see her reactions. Of course I won't attack an innocent human. Will I?" He pouted. "But it's tempting. It smells -"

"Shut up Wooseok"

Without realizing my lips were curving upwards seeing the two.

"What are you thinking?" One of them asked hitting me back to reality. I just shrug. "I'm wooseok" he lifted his hand for a shake but suddenly held back on seeing fresh blood on my skin. "We should cover up your wound first." He said nervously.

"Right. Why did I not think of this before?" Jinhyuk shook his head in disbelief. "Let me Cover your wounds." He added as he motioned me to sit on a branch.

"Doesn't this look like Minhee's -" Before Wooseok could finish his lines, Jinhyuk interrupted.

"Minhee's coat."

"Minh-  what?" I got curious.

"No wonder she smelled like him all along." He got a little closer and sniffed at the coat before grinning.

Wooseok and Jinhyuk had covered up my wounds so that it won't attract any vampires around. Now we were heading to Wooseok's place.

They had argued with each other on who's place I should stay and finally decided on playing a match wherein Wooseok won and that is why we were heading towards his place.

"We're almost home!" Wooseok announced.

Jinhyuk with his head hanging low, "I'll go ahead. Take care of-" he suddenly looked at me with confusion.


"Your name?"

"Y/n" I replied with a smile.

"Okay. Wooseok, take care of Y/n." He wave and with that he transforms to his wolf form and ran off.

Wooseok waves back.

"So-" he sighs, "we'll go ahead?" I nodded my head slightly as a yes.

We walk for about five minutes until we reached his place. We were standing outside the gates which were extremely huge. My mouth were agape in amusement.

Meanwhile one of the man in black suits who I assume to be the security opens the gate for us upon our arrival.

"Let's get in?" He motions me to get in first.

"You didn't told me that you live in a palace."

"You didn't ask." He smiled sheepishly scratching the back of his nape. "Let's get in anyway."

"Why do I suddenly feel so cold?" I grab the insides of my pocket.

"You're in a vampire's den" he softly whispered and I felt my hairs raising up.

"It's okay. We don't harm anyone though" he assured me.

"Right, we're here." He said once we got inside. I'm amused. The insides looks so royal.

"Who is this outsider?" A male voice echoed from a distance.


"A human in a vampire's den?" He added. His voice sounded stern.

"Oh my!" A lady suddenly appeared from my back and plays with my curls, "such a beautiful human."

"Mom" Wooseok pulled his mum back.

Meanwhile Wooseok's father use his Vampire speed to approach us. He stared at me for about a minute or two which nearly made me fall in fear. " Perhaps-" he eyed me then to Wooseok and back to me.

"What ?" Wooseok shrug.

"Is she your girlfriend?" His dad said trying to contain his laughter while his mother giggled.

"No" we said in unison.

"Whatever, she'll soon be our daughter-in-law" his mum clasp her hands together.

"A human can never be your daughter-in-law anyway" a male voice breaks in from the doorway. I turn my head towards the entrance only to see the back of a guy walking up the stairs.

"Minh-" before the vampire dad calls out the latter's name, the latter was already out of sight.

"Don't mind him. He's always like that" Wooseok said breaking the silence.

Royal Diaries - Kang Minhee x Y/N x Goo JungmoWhere stories live. Discover now