Not a Monster to Me

Start from the beginning

Klaus sighs, breathing deeply. His eyes find Lockwood's. "Now, that was definitely worth the calories."


I help Tyler get Caroline onto the couch near the front door, away from Klaus. She keeps crying out "Oh my god!" Fuck this situation. My eyes flicker briefly in Klaus's direction. He sits on the coffee table, smirking. And fuck him.

"Hey. Hey. Look at me. Look at me. I can fix this," Lockwood reassures Caroline.

"How?" She cries, rage fueling her words as she glares at Klaus. "The only thing that can heal me is his blood." Her "oh my gods" start up again as Lockwood tries to calm the panicking vamp.

"I know. I'll fix this," he whispers to her. Standing from her side, he sets his gaze onto Klaus, eyes narrowed. "She'll die if you don't heal her."

"Okay," Klaus says with no emotion. I wish I could say that I didn't recognize the man in front of me, but I did. This is the Klaus Mikaelson everyone fears. The vindictive, vengeful, terrifying Hybrid. The man he resides into, pretends to be, when threatened. This is the Klaus I've tried so hard to prove to him is worthy of love and redemption. Yet, it seems clear all of my past attempts have been unsuccessful.

Klaus bites into his wrist. He stretches out his arm, palm up, offering up his blood as it drops onto the floor. "Beg me to save her life."

"Is this what you want?" Lockwood questions. "To remind us that we're powerless against you? Fine. You win. I'm nothing. We're nothing. Now, save her. Please."

Klaus smirks at the position he's put Lockwood in. "I'm sorry, mate. I didn't quite catch that," he taunts.

"Please," Lockwood repeats.

"Please..." Klaus drags out, amusement sparking in his eyes.

"Please save her life."

"See, now I think you're just telling me what I want to hear. I mean, you did call me pathetic earlier. And wouldn't it be more pathetic of me to help now, knowing that hours ago, you announced your plan to kill me in a manner in which you're still debating because you want it to have a certain amount of flair? I'm just asking." Klaus shrugs in a mocking way.

Lockwood's voice is full of emotion. "I'll be your slave again. I'll do whatever you want. Just help her."

Klaus stares him straight in the face as he whispers, "No."

Arms crossed in front of my chest, I glare at Original Hybrid in front of me. "It's pointless begging, Lockwood. He'll never give you what he wants." Klaus finds my eyes and I make sure to push all of the disappointment I feel into my stare. "Best we can do is make her comfortable." My voice softens as I flick my gaze from Lockwood to Caroline. Yes, Caroline's words from the other week still piss me off, but that doesn't mean I wish death upon her. Fury in my veins, I pierce Klaus with my gaze. My voice cold and even. "Just another tick to your death count, right?" Immediately, I turn over my shoulder and walk to Caroline's side, helping her up. "C'mon Care, if you're gonna die, it's not gonna be in front of him." Caroline nods as Lockwood joins my side.

We help her upstairs to Elena's bed, figuring it's better for her to not have to travel far. Lying on the bed, Lockwood leaning over her, Care breathes heavily, tears pricking her eyes. "It's getting worse. I'm sorry."

Lockwood shakes his head, "No. It's my fault. I'm sorry."

Leaning in the doorway, I start to feel as though I'm intruding, so I turn my head the other way in an attempt to give them some privacy.

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