Chapter 2

13 0 0

I got dressed quickly in my signature out fit, which is pretty the only one I have except for my ceromony of 13 dress. A note slid through the food tray slit, I picked it up questionably.

"Dear Reader, I am happy to inform you that the 13 ceromony will be moved up to tommorow, sorry for any inconvenance. Love, Master"

I sighed and buzzered out of my room. Up to the afternoon was ordinary, except I didnt talk much. Then Master gave us the rest of the day off. Every one walked to the break room and I sat next to my orinary group. We are kinda the wierd group. It consists of me, Duke who had his hair in his normal fasion spiked up with a gel of some sort and wore his unbuttoned grey sweater and grey jeans, Natilie a blind girl with almost floor length hair and wears a long puffy grey dress, and Katana who wore a above the knee pleated skirt and button up shirt had her hair in her ordinary fasion, messy. I smiled remebering how I look. Wearing my short grey dress, my grey fishnet leggings, and my curly (not frizzy) reddish brownish hair tied up in a side pony tail with a string, I could look like a regular but pale outsider.

Then I looked over at Brents group playing with a piece of thread kinda immature for 7 year olds, but they seemed happy enough. Thier group consisted of Brent, Alice a brown haired, blue eyed, girl, and Ally a black haired, violet eyed girl that was dating Brent. I pulled my fish net leggings in an unsucsessful attempt to hide my trident ancle tatooe (also from before I was here). Brent was tracing his tatooe of crow wings then I twirled my blue streak, all reminders of how we were different.

Then we were sent to our rooms, ate our food and I said good bye to this cell. I woke up and slid on my wedding (ceromony of 13) dress. It was a white mermaid dress, the sleeves made of lace with a bluish grey bow wrapped around my waist. It took me monthes to make this dress while it took weeks for other girls. If I am going to the worst day in my life, I am going to look good, feeling bad.

I walked over to the sitting area and sat in the first row with all the other 13s to be's. An old woman who worked in the nursery but used to work with the nurses Muriel I think her name was walked up to me and slid a vile in my hand. She smiled at me then walked back. Master pulled random name out of each "Tres hand stitched hat".Then I heard my name pulled, he reached into the guy hat and began to read "Dean please take Jenny up here and recieve your mating partner certificate."

I put on a fakish smile as I took Deans hand.He was'nt that bad. I would rather be alone, or with Duke (he does'nt want kids either). Well if I am going to have kids they might as well look like Dean. We walked up on the stage and recieved our certificate and the room number that was now ours (yay?). When we got to our room he said "I know you dont want kids so I am sorry but Master said that he wants a girl to have both of our looks."

So I guess the name drawing was'nt so random at all. I knew what was going to happen next so I drank the bitter liquid Muriel gave me and I passed out. When I woke up Dean was staring at me. "I thought you were dead for a second, then I felt your pulse."

"Well thanks for watching over me I guess." I said as I pulled the sheet over my head knowing we had a week off of work. I pushed the leaving request buzzer and waited for it to open. I sat next to Duke. He was running his hands through his hair the way he does when he is frustrated.

"So you know how all the wives are going to the doctors in a month to see if they are actually gonna' have a kid, well Daisy (his fiance) wanted me to come with her, but I barely even know her." he whined.

"Hey it's not wives it's fiance, if Dean died I would'nt be a widdow."

"Well what would you be?"

"Happy." I said as I put my arm around his back in a non romantic I am glad you understand me and dont want kids to live down here either kind of way. A month later I had to go to the doctor, she was a friend of Muriels and it looked like she didnt have enough equipment to treat most things.

She walked out and looked sad for me as she said "Congradulations you are going to have a healthy baby girl." I ran out screaming then i stopped screaming but kept running so it would be harder for Dean to find me. I ran untill I got to Duke's room. I used either my maternal fury or my hatred of Master to pry open his door just enough to fit me inside, then I sat in his lap and cried.

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