Thomas and the Cards

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Thomas and the Cards

It was a cheerful day on the Island of Sodor. The children were excited. it was the school teacher's birthday and they were all determined to make some special birthday cards for her.

Thomas was talking to the children when James and Percy arrived.

(Thomas has Annie and Clarabel.)

"Hello, Thomas." whistled Percy, "What are you up to today?"

"It's the Teacher's birthday today." said Thomas, "I am going to Wellsworth Station to collect some DIY birthday cards."

"What are DIY cards?" asked Percy.

(James rolls his eyes.)

"They are cards that can be made into any sort of card you want." replied Thomas, "You can make birthday ones, Christmas ones and many more."

Percy was excited. "Hope the children have fun making them."

Thomas smiled. He looked forward to seeing the children's happy faces as they decorated and signed their teacher's birthday cards. He puffed away to Wellsworth Station.

Thomas arrived at Wellsworth.

(Edward and Gordon steam by.)

Thomas saw the stationmaster with a big box of DIY birthday cards waiting to be designed by the children. He was excited to watch the children draw and colour and decorate.

Then there was trouble. Just as the stationmaster was about to hand Thomas' Driver the cards, Diesel sped in to the station and sounded his horn loudly. The stationmaster jumped in surprise and dropped the box off the platform.

"Oh my!" cried Thomas.

"Oh my!" shouted Diesel.

"Oh no!" groaned the Stationmaster.

Cards were scattered over the tracks.

"We'll have to pick them off the tracks." sighed Thomas' Driver.

But there was worse to come. Henry was coming into the station with his usual passenger train. Thomas and Diesel whistled and hooted loudly to make Henry stop quicker but it was too late. Henry pulled into the station and onto the DIY cards. Henry did stop slowly but the cards were destroyed. They were either ripped, ran over or dampened badly by Henry's water and steam.

"Oh no!" he groaned, "I'm so sorry."

"It wasn't your fault, Henry." said Thomas crossly, "It was Diesel's for coming in too fast and too loudly!"

Diesel squirmed from between Thomas and Henry. They, their Drivers and the stationmaster were very cross. And so was the Fat Controller.

"Diesel, you have ruined the children's cards." he said severely, "Your carelessness and brashfulness has caused confusion and delay!"

"Yes, sir. Sorry, sir." said Diesel. He felt bad. Although he often caused trouble for steam engines, Diesel still wanted to be Really Useful and he was sad to have let the children down. He oiled sadly away to deliver his trucks to the harbour.

"Thomas, I have already ordered some more cards for immediate delivery." said the Fat Controller, "You must race to Brendam Docks quickly to collect them or you will be late getting them to the children."

"Yes, sir." said Thomas. And he steamed away quickly.

As Thomas rushed down the line, he saw Emily on his track pulling a train of logs.

"Out of the way, Emily!" called Thomas. "I'll be late for the children!"

Emily did so rather reluctantly. "Be careful with your speed, Thomas, or you'll cause confusion and delay!"

But Thomas was so determined to be on time for the children and the Teacher, that he didn't listen to Emily.

"I'll show them all that I am more useful than Devious Diesel!"

He was still cross that Diesel had nearly ruined the Teacher's birthday and was determined to make up for it by saving the day.

Thomas soon arrived at Brendam Docks.

(Toby, Diesel and Cranky can be seen.)

But he was such a hurry, he steamed too fast.

"Out of my way, Diesel!" he shouted. Diesel did just in time but Thomas came by so fast, the Dock manager, whom was bringing the ordered cards from his office jumped and he dropped them and alll the cards flew out into the air and began to fall onto the rails.

Percy was coming down towards the cards.

"Oh no!" cried Thomas, whom had screeched to a halt when he saw what happened.

Diesel saw it too. He was still carrying his empty trucks which had been unloaded. Without thinking or hesitation, DIesel quickly reversed towards Percy's track and right under the falling cards. They all crashlanded but undamaged into the empty trucks and Percy had just enough time to slow down to a stop just before hitting Diesel's trucks.

The dock manager cheered.

"Well done, Diesel!" he cheered, "You saved the cards. Now the children can have them to give to the Teacher after all."

Thomas had seen everything. He felt terrible that he had nearly let the children down Like Diesel had before. Now Diesel had made up for his mistake and saved the day.

Thomas had an idea to make up for his being rude.

"Diesel, I'm sorry for how I reacted after your accident, but now that the cards are in your trucks, would ou like to deliver them to the children?"

Diesel grinned. "Thank you, Thomas."

So Diesel's trucks were covered up and he delivered the cards. The children were very excited.

They coloured, and wrote in and decorated the cards. There were stars, glitter, many different colours. The cards came out as pictures of rainbows, sunny fields and Thomas and Diesel!

The Teacher soon received her birthday cards from the children.

"Why, thank you so much, children!" she smiled happily, "Such dedicated imagination!"

Thomas and Diesel smiled. And the children cheered for them both for being Really Useful engines who saved the Teacher's birthday.

(The End!)

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