I Was The Fat Girl

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Author siren321

•"Well, I'll warn you now babe, before you decide to play a game you can't win-" he smiled. "I'll break your heart" he leaned into me and kissed my cheek.I held my ground. "Or...I'll break yours" screams erupted from the over excited audience as teachers struggle barging through the large crowd of horny teenage boys.He grinned passively and took a step back. "I'd like to see you try" he whispered before walking away.•Ava Collins, previously known as Fatty Ava, well at least according to her fellow classmates and her twin brother Caleb. She was the fat girl, bullied her entire life because of her large curves and double chin, well at least until she leaves for Austrailia with her mother.Two years later and she has lost her weight as well as the insecurities that have brought her down basically her whole life, she meets all of the familiar faces who have once bullied her Except one.Dylan Grey, the hot, sexy jock who ran away from his past. He was considered the largest player in town, and also happens to have the unique personality of being the asshole. What happens when he meets a hot girl that happens to always put him in his place? Oh and let's not forget that she also happens to be Caleb's hot twin sister.What happens when these two meet each other and place a bet that can only end one way?One word; trouble

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