ii. hometown

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Annie's POV

Today we go back to Maryland for Katie and Luke's wedding. They've been dating since high school. He proposed to her after she graduated college, it was adorable. I get up and wake Ash up.

As- Anns it's too early..

An- Ash we need to wake up. Can you please go wake up Aubrie?

As- Anything for my angel.

He walks out of the room and goes into Aubrie's. I get in the shower for about 5 minutes then start getting ready. Asher gives Aubrie a bath, then he starts getting ready. After I finish getting ready I start getting Aubrie ready. Luckily, she lives to get dressed up. We finally get in the car and drive to the airport. We sit there for about an hour then get on the plane to Maryland.

*after the flight lands*

I pick up Aubrie and Asher gets the carry-ons. We get to baggage claim and wait there for about 15 minutes, then leave. We see Katie and Luke and they run over to us. I side hug both of them because I'm still holding Aubrie.

An- Aubrie this is Auntie Katie. Say hi!

Au- Hi!

Ka- Hey Aubrie, you look so cute! I've heard so much about you.

Au- Mommy I want down.

An- Okay Aub.

I put her down and she runs and hugs Katie.

Ka- Awe she's adorable. I can't wait ti have one of my own.

An- They would have to be friends.

Ka- Yes!

Katie picks Aubrie up and she automatically falls asleep.

An- What kind of Dwight Shrute vibes do you give off Katie?

Ka- I don't know, but I guess I'm good with kids.

I laugh and she hands me Aubrie. We go to their car and they already have a car seat for Aubrie. I sit her in it and buckle her up.

Lu- We have to show you something when we get home.

As- Okay?

Ka- And we have an announcement!

An- Ooh I'm excited!

We get to their house and go in I wake Aubrie up and we go inside.

Lu- Come upstairs.

As- Okay

We go with them and they open a door to a bedroom. We go inside and it has a crib and everything.

Lu&Ka- We're having a baby!

As- No way.

Lu- Yes way.

An- Omg! I'm so happy for y'all! Do you know the gender?

Lu- Yep. Actually, under the crib there's three boxes you, Aubrie, and Asher open it.

As- Okay.

Asher grabs the boxes and sets them in front of each of us.

Ka- Aubrie open yours.

Aubrie opens it and there's a balloon that says 'it's' in blue.

Lu- Now Annie.

I open mine and it's a balloon that says 'a' in pink.

Ka- Ash.

Asher opens his and it's a balloon that says 'boy' in blue.


Ka- Yep.

An- Do you know any names?

Ka- We were thinking Oliver.

An- I love that.

We all laugh and go back downstairs.

As- You mentioned a announcement? Or was that it?

Ka- Right. We are moving to LA.

An- No way.

Ka- Yes way.

Au- Yay!

Aubrie goes up to Katie and hugs her. Katie picks her up and starts playing with her.

An- You are going to be an amazing mom.

Ka- You think so?

An- I know so.

My Angels | sequel to 3,000 Miles Away{Ashannie}Where stories live. Discover now