Wan Le Neonhill

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Name : Wan Le Neonhill

Nick Name :Wanwan or Wanny

Gender : Male

Age : 17

Personality : Relatively quiet, but that is the point as he likes to plan how to kill people at any time. He does open up to friends a tiny bit as most part of himself is psychotic and rather disturbing. He knows that, so he keeps that part of himself hidden, unfortunately it does come out now and then.

Likes :

1. His friends

2. His home (a huge mansion, old style Gothic Church style [basically very fancy])

3. Crème brûlée - A French Dessert.[Very nice, recommend]

4. Fluffy Cats  [like this one] (https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&source=images&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiK6uumiYPkAhVEUhoKHYRlDLQQjRx6BAgBEAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fdepositphotos.com%2F82794814%2Fstock-photo-fluffy-cat.html&psig=AOvVaw3UeyYrunzOvzFEONeTvw7y&ust=1565896355081236)

5. Any and all surgical tools

Dislikes :

1. ALL strangers

2. Cold places

3. Attics and Basements

4. Needs being used on them

5. Strange looking things(aka obstacle illusions)

Job : Non

Crush : One of his friends named Venus Logan.

Background :

 He is an orphan, both parents killed one another while he was at school, and after a long while was finally adopted by a doctor. Not a good doctor at that. The Doctor was old. So what later happened was that Wan broke a rule of the doctor and... Let's just say that's how Wan got the scaring.[He covers the scars with his heir].

 Wan is also a cannibal. And the lollipop in the picture has blood in it. Ain't gonna lie, he makes them himself. Oh, and the Doctor is dead, has been for a long time. He prefers eating peoples hearts and kept eyes in jars.

Other : 

 Wan has this stuffed fox from Venus :

 Wan has this stuffed fox from Venus :

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He also has this... Collection of : Eye balls, brains and some hearts. All belonging to those who broke him mentally and emotionally. Which is about, 20 to 34 people.

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