Chapter 5: The Day Before

Start from the beginning

"You should show your face more often." Sistine saying softly while a small blush grew on her face. Y/N looked at her with a cocked eyebrow.

"Why's that?"

"I uh- uh it's hard to tell your emotions sometimes." She said while taking a sip of her water.

"Is that so? Or is it that you just like looking at me?" He said with a smirk while leaning towards her. He wasnt going to lie, seeing her all flustered was amusing. This made her choke on her water. Y/N laughed and sat back in his chair.

"Dont!" She coughed, "don't do that!" Y/N continued to laugh his ass off. The waiter came up with their food, and he was curious to know what had happened.

"Is everything okay?" He asked. Sistine had a small pout on her face.

"Yeah, everything is just peachy" she replied.

"O-kay" he replied and left the two be.

"Oh me oh my" Y/N gained his breath from laughing.

"You think that's funny?" Sistine questioned while trying to be mad. In reality she was really happy, but Y/N teasing her and everything wasn't fun to her.

"Hilarious. Now, you should eat. We have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. And we need to train you with a weapon." Y/N answered while taking a bite out of his food.

"What type of weapon do you think I should get?" Sisitine asked. Y/N rubbed his chin thinking about it.

"Well, we need to go with what you like more than anything. Since you're going to be using magic more, it's for more of when you get into sticky situations that's all."

"You seem like you know what you're doing" she added while eating. Y/N laughed at the comment.

"I've played many video games before. However, this isn't no game. You only get one chance at this" he balled up his fists. He looked at his stats,

Y/N Gunslinger Lvl 28

'Need to get stronger' he thought to himself.

"It's all going to be okay, if anyone is truly prepared for this, it will be you" Sistine tried to give reassurance.

"Appreciate the help, doll" Y/N smiled. He then stood up and paid for the meal, while leaving a nice tip. Sistine quickly drank her water and followed right behind him.

It was nighttime now, they were in the restaurant for a little while longer than expected. The city was lit by all the lights and it was mesmerizing to see.

Some people were out visiting all the little stands that were open. Y/N and Sistine walked through the streets, admiring everything. They ended up passing an ice cream booth and the owner was ecstatic to see a girl like Sistine.

"Miss! Here try this, it's on the house" the owner shoved an ice cream cone to her face.

"Uh thank you" she replied with nervousness in her voice. Y/N walked over and looked at his menu,

"I'll take a Vanilla cone please"

"3 silvers is the cost" the shop owner replied.

Y/N looked at the owner with a dumbfounded look.

"3 silvers? You just gave her a free cone" he replied.

"Because a young lady like her, who's absolutely beautiful, should be treated to a free ice cream cone. For you, it is 3 silvers"

"Fine," Y/N slammed the coins down on the table and grabbed his cone. Sistine laughed at the sight and they both started to walk away. She thanked the shop owner for the ice cream. Y/N shot him the bird for his actions. Sistind gasped and yelled at him.

"That was not nice!"

"That was a total rip off." He replied. They both stared each other down before laughing.

"It is good though" she added while licking the ice cream cone.

"Yeah yeah, only because it is free" Y/N replied throwing the cone away. Sistine playfully elbowed him.

"Don't be a downer, you should be grateful you have a pretty girl like myself" she said with her head raised high.

"I like the way you think. Cannot argue with that" he smiled. He then realized what he said and look away.


"T-thank you" she hesitantly replied. She then looked out to stars,

"It's pretty tonight" she said trying to continue a conversation.

"Yeah it is" Y/N replied. He was savoring everything, this could be possibly the last night he will be alive.

"You're worrying too much. You know"

Y/N shrugged his shoulders, "cant help it. I may come off arrogant to the others, but deep down I'm scared shitless. But, you just gotta live everyday like it's your last"

"Look at me," Sistine commanded, "I believe in you. You saved me from those knights, stood up to royalty and a cardinal hero. You have guts, you will find a way and I will be right there with you, every step. If you dont believe in yourself, then know that I believe in you. " she then gave a sincere smile and hugged Y/N

Y/N smiled from that, and hugged her. He then rubbed her head,

"Alright miss queen of pep talks, I think we should get some rest" Y/N stated while releasing the hug, "we have a big day tomorrow and not a lot of time to train you with that weapon we are getting"

Sistine nodded, "right, tomorrow we will defeat the Wave of Catastrophe, and all the other ones that come as well. Until you and I go back to our homes" and proceeded to walk.

This made Y/N think about his home and it caused him to stop walking. He was just on a trip and it ended up to be something entirely different. He wondered about his parents, curious to know that if the knew if he was missing. His thoughts were cut off when Sistine yelled at him.

"Y/N! Come on, I found an Inn we can stay at tonight!" She was waving from about forty yards away. Y/N smiled and started to walk towards her. She had a smile plastered on her face, one that made Y/N's heart flutter.

'I'll make sure that she gets back to her home,' he thought to himself. He looked up to the night sky one last time.

"One more day" he said outloud,

"One more day until hell breaks loose"

Been a very hot minute for this book. Thank you all for your patience, I hope you enjoy this chapter! I was very busy with a few personal things, but now everything is back on track. The Wave of Catastrophe will be commence next chapter! Until then!

The Gunslinger: Rising of the Shield Hero X Male Reader Erron Black Where stories live. Discover now