The Truth of Darkness-Chapter Two

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Shuna's P.O.V.

  The forest was silent, light from the moon shining through the tree leaves. It was peaceful. I've been trudging through the woods for several hours with no signs of thieves or bandits. I found it kind of odd but, nonetheless I sat down and leaned against a tree. Walking through the forest for hours without stopping to replenish my stamina took it's toll on me.

  I grabbed an apple out of my bag and began to eat it, looking up at the stars that peeked through the leaves. After I finished my snack, I removed my sword from it's sheath and laid it on my lap. The weapon still bewitched me. From the intricate designs, to the edge of the sharp blade. There was just something so enticing about it.

  The sound of footsteps drew me out of my small trance. I looked around, trying to find the source of the noise. It was completely silent. The only sounds to be heard were of the nightly creatures lurking in the forest. I slowly rose from my once sitting position. With my sword in hand, I stood in a fight ready stance, awaiting the possible threat to expose themself.

  All of the sudden an arm wrapped my neck, causing me to drop my sword and scratch at the arm blocking my capability to breathe.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to drop by for a visit. Long time no see Shu," the voice spoke in a threatening manner.

"K-Kol-ston..." I struggled to speak between my gasps for air.

"I thought I told you to stay off of vampire territory and that if I saw you in our borders, I wouldn't stop myself from adding a few marks to your enticing skin," I could hear the slyness in his voice as he trails two fingers down my neck.

"L-Look I'm s-s-sorry. I'm just p-passing through be-because it's th-e quickest r-route north."

Kolston loosened his hold and I took in deep breaths.

  "What business do you have in the North? You know that all there is up there is Silver Ridge and the Light Moon Werewolf Pack. And even you should know it's dangerous to cross the border into werewolf territory."

  "I seek an herb in the mountains for a potion I've been brewing as of late."

  At this point, Kolston had already abandoned his hold on me but slowly walked circles around me, as if daring me to run.

  "Kolston, please just let me go. I promise to not cross the border again."

  "Tsk tsk, you really think I would just let you go after breaking our agreement? You truly are naive."

  I shifted uncomfortably under his watchful eyes.

  "Shuna, if I let you go, what will the other vampires think? I would be called weak because I let a little witch waltz away without even a scratch."

  Hearing this, I sighed as for I knew he wouldn't let me go on his own.

  "I'm sorry about this Kolston."

He gives me a confused look before I cast a sleep spell on him. As I concluded the spell, I watched as his body fell to the ground into a dreamless slumber.

  "Hopefully he will not be too mad when he wakes," saying this I picked my items back up and returned to my journey to the snowy mountains of Silver Ridge.


The sun was finally rising by the time I emerged from the forest. I could see the mountain range quite clearly. Although it was still a fairly long distance away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2020 ⏰

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