Chapter 7

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On my day off, I helped around the house and brought my siblings to school. My mother's life had gotten difficult enough having to work and look after five kids with her husband in jail. I wanted to help wherever I could.

Still, the entire day I kept thinking about what happened at the USJ. Bakugo found out who my father was, and Tomura Shigaraki even called me out for it. I thought about my dad. I was allowed to visit him in prison, but up until then, I hadn't. I simply didn't want to see him. Maybe this was a good reason to visit him. I shivered and quickened my pace on my way to meet Shinso.

The two of us walked to school together, and for some reason, he seemed kind of amused as he kept glancing at me. I wondered what his deal was, but I was too lost in thought to ask.

I didn't realize what he'd been grinning about until I walked into class, staring at my feet.

"(l/n), is that you?!", Kaminari gasped.

Before I could even properly raise my head he was in front of me, grabbing me by the horns protruding from the sides of my head.

"Whoa, why do you suddenly have these horns?", he asked.

"I-I always have them, I just hid them up until now", I spluttered, realizing I forgot to hide them that morning.

"Really?", Kaminari gasped. "Why would you do that? They look awesome!"

"You think so?", I blushed as I looked up.

"Whoa, your eyes, too!", Kaminari gawked as he put his hands on the side of my face. "They're so bright!"

I smiled at his enthusiasm, glad to hear that he didn't think I was weird.

"Hey, Pikachu", Bakugo suddenly said. "Ever heard of personal space?"

"Huh?", Kaminari said as he turned his head, still not letting me go. "I'm nowhere near you."

"Not me, you moron", Bakugo scoffed. "Her."

Kaminari turned his head back to me and raised his eyebrows. "Oh, sorry!", he then said when he realized what Bakugo meant. He dropped his hands from my face and took a step back. I softly chuckled, my tail unconsciously curling up out of happiness.

"It's fine", I said. "I'm happy to hear that you like the way I look."

"Yeah, you look awesome!", Kaminari smiled.

I brushed a strand of hair behind my ear and walked to my seat. Kaminari sat down in his own seat and Iida walked into the classroom.

"Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to begin! To your seats!", he yelled.

"We're sitting. You're the only one up", Sero replied.


Everyone turned their heads to the door when Aizawa walked in, wrapped in bandages from head to toe.

"Glad to see you're doing well, sensei!", Iida shouted.

"If you can call that 'doing well'", Uraraka murmured.

"My welfare isn't important", Aizawa stated. "UA's Sports Festival is approaching."

"The Sports Festival!", I gasped. Shinso and I used to watch it together every year, and I couldn't be more excited to finally join.

There was a short discussion regarding the students' safety because we just got out of a villain attack. However, Aizawa shut us down saying the security would be better than ever and that this was an opportunity we couldn't miss. Pro heroes would be watching the Festival to scout for sidekicks, so this was our chance to show them what we were made of.

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