The corners of Yan Mu Lin's mouth raised upwards. "Goodbye, Mr. Sheng." He deliberately stressed on the word "Sheng". As long as Father Sheng wasn't a fool, he would understand what he meant.

What he meant to say was that he was surnamed Yan, and not Sheng.

Regardless of whether Father Sheng's complexion changed or not, Yan Mu Lin was satisfied when he hung up. The original owner's life was too sullen, he couldn't put up with it any longer.

After Yan Mu Lin hung up, he did not know that Father Sheng's face was ice cold. He was sitting next to Sheng Xia Chen, the eldest son of the Sheng family. Father Sheng calmed his anger and frowned. Yan Mu Lin never rejected him, he was probably rebelling.

Mr. "Sheng". The more he heard it, the more it felt irritating.

Sheng Xia Chen saw that after his father called his "little brother" outside, his face didn't look good, so he asked. "Dad, what's wrong? Yan Mu Lin cannot come to the Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Father Sheng, who was called Sheng Qing Dong, listened to the words of his eldest son and understood what Yan Mu Lin meant. He cared about this? After thinking about it, Sheng Qing Dong said to Sheng Xia Chen, "In the afternoon, go to your third brother's school and hand over the key to the suite in Chengdong to Yan Mu Lin. Let them transfer it to his name and give this card to him." Sheng Qing Dong took out a card from his wallet.

Sheng Xia Chen was not as ignorant as Sheng Xia Xiao, he knew of his father's love debts. Sending a key and bank card to a bastard was something he wasn't willing to do, but his father's orders cannot be ignored. The company he was running still needed the support of his father.

Sheng Xia Chen took the card and promised to give it to Yan Mu Lin.

Father Sheng did not answer whether Yan Mu Lin would come during the festival which meant that this was no longer a suitable topic. He cleverly changed the topic to a big situation.

After Yan Mu Lin's phone call with Sheng Qing Dong, he recalled bits and pieces about the original owner's mother. They did not have a lot of pictures, and their communication got less and less after his grandmother died. Mother Yan only gave him money and did not care about other aspects. It was like she had no son. The only proof that she had one was her bank transfer records.

Mother Yan rarely contacted her son first. She would basically only ask about his life before and after the Spring Festival. They did not live together because Mother Yan was a famous actress. In front of the media, she was an unmarried forty-year-old woman. She should not have children. She was a public figure. Yan Mu Lin has not been discovered by the media. It was probably only her agent who knew she has a son because she has been by her side for many years.

Calling before the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mother Yan probably had something in her mind. So, Yan Mu Lin thought about calling the other party back. It was a female voice that answered the phone, but as soon as she answered, she said: "Mu Lin, I was waiting for you to call back. It's Aunt Zhou. Your mother is sick, she's currently in the hospital. Can you make a trip here?"

Yan Mu Lin thought about who she was. The woman surnamed Zhou was Mother Yan's agent. She was a capable and strong woman. He quickly responded, "Okay, Aunt Zhou. Give me the address of the hospital. I'll come over right now."

Since it was inconvenient to mention the illness on the phone, it was certainly not a minor illness. Yan Mu Lin did not need to think much, he packed his bags, locked the door of his room, and sent a text requesting a leave of absence to the class monitor. He then took a taxi to the hospital.

Even if they had no affections with each other, he was still going to come. After all, this was the only person he could count as a loved one.

In his two lives, he had no family. He was already used to it. In his previous life, his parents had divorced. Later, when they had their own families, he lived alone. When a person had a family who wasn't hungry, nobody would interfere in his job selection. When his parents came back to ask him when he would settle down, he could only smile and say that in this life, it was impossible to get married. Why? He did not know.

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