Chapter 7: Owatonna

Começar do início

                “It’s umm… been….” Adam said before getting cut off.

                “Adam my son. Glad to have you back in Owatonna for a bit,” Adam’s dad said. “How’s tour going for ya?”

                Just hearing the familiar voices of Adam’s parents brought back so many memories, that it took my breath away. I leaned against the side house, as I took deep breaths, and tried to hold back the tears that threatened to give me away.

                “Yeah it’s going pretty good. But I have a surprise for you guys.” Adam blurted out quickly.

                “Well what is it?” Adam dad asked inquisitively.

                “Oh it’s not a what, but a who,” Adam grinned playfully with a hint of mischievousness in his voice.

                There was silence for a moment as I just waited there scarcely daring to breathe for fear that I would start crying if I did anything but concentrate on staying quiet.

                “So where is this person then? Are they here? Like at our house right now?” His mom questioned.

                “Oh sorry, yeah she is. I’ll go get her.” Adam apologized “Be right back.”

                I then heard his footstep echo across the wooden floor of the kitchen. I turned my attention to the big oak tree and started playing with my hair as the door swung open. Adam poked his head out, and then came out all the way. I tried not to look at him at all but out of the corner of my eye I could see him frown as he took in my blank expression.

                “You do know that your poker face ain’t foolin’ nobody. Don’t you?” Adam asked as he leaned lightly against the wall next to me.

                I just kept staring at the oak tree, not saying a word and not moving an inch.

                “You know that blank stare that you put on gives away a lot more to me than when you’re crying,” Adam explained softly as he stared ahead at the big oak tree with me. “I mean I know that when you’re like this you’re trying with everything you have to keep the tears back and to pretend like everything is ok even though you know deep down inside that your heart is shattered into a million pieces, and I don’t know what your trying to prove by not crying. Maybe it’s proving that your strong, your ok and you can take care of yourself, and I honestly don’t doubt that you can. I just think that you need a friend, just someone to talk to.”

                I bit my lip but yet still said nothing. Adam sighed.

                “Come on, let’s go inside. My parents are waiting for me to come back with you,” Adam grinned trying to break through my blank stare.

                Instead of smiling or saying anything though I just walked toward the kitchen doors, and waited. Adam went ahead of me and we both walked into the comfy cozy kitchen of a shy Minnesota boy’s parents. I stayed behind Adam and out of sight, scarcely breathing.

                “Here she is,” Adam said softly as he stepped lightly to the side reveling me.

                I just stared down at my feet silently feeling like I was 8 years old again, had run away from home for the first time, and was a complete stranger to Adam and his family. Just standing in that kitchen almost made me feel like everything bad that had happened to me was just a bad dream, but I knew better than to believe this for even more than a few seconds. For I couldn’t change how my life had gone and I couldn’t change the fact that I was some homeless street kid and had been for the past 7 years. I stood there listening to the soft tick of the clock, and Adam’s soft breathing behind me, just waiting for someone to say or do something.

Stuck in the momentOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora