Flight To Boringville, Population Me

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My eyes fluttered open to a vibrating coming down from my pocket. I sighed, yawning as I pulled my phone out of my back pocket. I looked down at the screen and rolled my eyes in the back of my head. I did not want to talk to my parents, not after what they did to me.

And for once in my life I was in a good mood when I woke up, and their call was going to ruin that.

“Oh what the hell,” I muttered to myself, sliding my thumb across the green strip flashing on my screen. Usually I slide it on the red one, but whatever. I would let them hear my voice one last time.

“Hello?” my mom’s voice said sounding rushed. “Is that you Laura?”

Something about it seemed off, but I ignored it.

“Who else would it be,” I sighed, playing with my hair. I really did not want to talk to her. She sent me away; I had the right not to want to talk to her.

“How are you? Are you almost there? We miss you baby.”

“Great. Yes I’m almost there. I hope you do, bye mother.” And with that I hung up. I had had enough of her already.

I rolled my fingers around the window cover and tugged on it, sunlight pouring onto my face. My face scrunched and I started squinting, adjusting to the light. My eyes started to tear up, a single tear streaked down my face.

I rolled my neck on my shoulders, getting all the neck pain to go away. There was about five pops on the right side, all of them hurting. This is why I hate flying.

Then there was a light tap on my shoulder and a really cute guy in a red uniform was hovering over me, wearing a huge grin on his face.

"Do you need anything?" he asked, moving slightly forward to meet my eyes.

"Well," I said, letting my voice trail off. "You and me making out in that closet wouldn’t be bad," I grinned, messing with his uniform.

He couldn’t walk away fast enough. I could hear his footsteps go to the next passanger. He made the mistake of turning around once and boy was his face strawberry red. I smirked and pulled my laptop out of my backpack and logged on.

But for some reason my internet wouldn’t connect. Then my eyes widened and I realized something.

My mother called me to see how I was doing, and she only had intentions of screwing me over.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialed her number. I was beyond mad.  A few rings came through and then the line went silent.

“Mother?” I asked into the phone, trying to control my voice, I was after all on a plane.

“Yes Laura?” she said cockily. “Is anything wrong?”

“Why actually, yes I think there is. Who decided it would be funny to shut off my internet connection? Because in no way, would that ever be funny,” I snarled into the phone.

It was silent. She knew she was caught, and there would be major consequences, trust me.

“Well I just thought it would be better for you to meet new people and lose all contact with the old, so I blocked a few things,” her voice said in a weak tone.

I sat there for a second and thought. Then my eyes grew bigger and my heart was pounding in my chest.

“Mother, did you turn off my internet and my phone?” I screeched.

“Have a great trip baby, we love you!” she cheered and hung up.

My eyes widened and my lips parted and there was a huge gaping hole. How could she do this to me? Was her hatred for me that bad?

It must be.


“Attention passengers. You will be aborting shortly, please make sure all of your belongings are secure and ready. Have a great day.”

I sighed, relived I would be starting my new life soon.

My fingers found my lap and started tapping away a beat.

Tap. . . Tap. . . . Tap . . .

It went on for a while, until the voice came over the intercom again.

“We are beginning our descent. Please stay in your seats and the staff will help you get out.”

I rolled my eyes. Maybe that cute boy could help me out of the plane.

I could tell I scared him.

But it wasn’t like I was ever going to see him again, so I didn’t care. I mean you only live once right?

A giggle escaped my lip as I realized I had just thought something from The Motto. Everyone use “Y.O.L.O” but I did not under any circumstance. I had to get off this sardine can of death as soon as I can, before I start going insane.

Then the familiar frantic footsteps came pattering down the lane. I smirked. He passed me without taking one look at me.

Must be embarrassed.

He grabbed a little round speaker and pressed his lips to it, speaking in a rough scratchy voice.

Shoot and kill me now.

“You may get your belongings and leave,” he paused, looking at me and blushing again. “Have a nice day.”

I beamed, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and feeling the wad of cash I have been saving. I couldn’t take my stash with me, so I sold it all to come up with this money so I could buy more in this small town.

Rolling my eyes at the thought of not smoking for at least five days while I was here angered me, so I tended not to think about it. I grabbed my other luggage and filled in my spot in the line as people slowly shuffled to the door.

Sunlight streamed into my face as I ignored the “Goodbye, have a wonderful day.”

I stepped out and a shiver ran down my spine. It was sunny, but cold and rain started to poor down from the sky, plopping onto the ground.

I went through the double doors on the airport and stepped into the parking lot, which was a million times worse already. In Jacksonville Florida, this type of weather was more them rare. I scanned the parking lot, looking for a sign that had my name.

I sat down on a bench, letting beads of rain drip onto my hair, slowly falling down.

Then a limo pulled up, the driver stepping out and holding a sign that said my name, Laura Brook.


Omg!!! I havent been on in forever!!! So sorry guys, you may kill me!!!

It was one of those times when I had writters block, was getting bored with Wattpad, had so much to do So yeah, but I'm back now!!!

Alsoo. .... I am having a contest!!!

You see, i cant decide who should be Laura. I was thinking about the girl who plays Bella and Edwards kid, but she was a little to young for the role. So its up to you!!! Please Private message me the actors name and a picture, and whoever i decide best fits the role i will dedicate the chapter to you, post your picture, follow you and comment on a chapter rom one of your books :)

And maybe we could Co- Write a story together? :)

How does that sound?

Ok well the contest will be over on November 18, so start looking!!!

Toodles with bunches of Noodles!!!

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