{1}The First Deviant

Start from the beginning

Or was he still in there room? Hiding.

Connor's LED turned from its regular blue color to changing between yellow and red. The Android soon became more cautious while in this room. Connor walked slowly, further in the room. He noticed this big deal with a mirror in front of it. The desk was a good enough size for a girl, who looked 8 or 9 in the pictures, of her age.

Almost instantly after noticing the desk, he saw tablet on the edge. Before it had that chance to fall, and most likely break, he snatched it. He opened it up only to have a video pop up. He noticed that throughout the 15 to 30 second video it had the young girl and one of the androids he saw in a few pictures.

He pushed the PLAY button.

"Hey!" The girl smiled, waving at the camera. Beside her was a blond-headed male, obviously an android with the uniform he was wearing and his LED on the side of his forehead. "This my android and friend Daniel!" The girl kept her smile on her face while looking at the Android, who smiled himself.

"Say hi Daniel!" The girl added, obviously happy.

The Android gave a wave at the camera, his smile growing wider. "Hey!" He said, following the simple direction.

The video ended after that. Connor placed it back where it belonged. His name's Daniel. While still analyzing, the Android heard a swoosh behind him. This caused his LED changing red once more. He felt danger. He looked over at the open door. He already could tell that who Ever made that sound didn't escape.

They were still somewhere in this room.

Connor rushed to the door, closing and locking it. This person or thing has nowhere to run now. He flipped one light switch to make the room a tinsy bit lighter. He slowly backed away from the door. "Who's in here!" He yelled. "Come out peacefully and we will not hurt you." Just as Connor expected, the thing didn't come out for that.

Hearing the police say those words, no matter if they are an android or human, weren't the most comforting thing. Especially of you knew they would punish you harshly for whatever crime you had committed. This was definitly an android, no doubt. "If you don't come forward, I will make sure you get reset once I find You!"

A noise came from a cramped corner beside the bed.


Connor slowly walked over, trying not to scare whoever or whatever this was. That would certainly bring down his probability of success. Over in the corner of the sound was a blanket, somehow moving. Slowly, ever so slowly, Connor snatched it off to reveal an android, who was in a ball formation.

This android had black hair, and looked different from the other. It was in fact the other android in the picture. "Don't let them reset me" the Android begged, looking at Connor through the corner of his eyes. "I am not the one you are trying to find." Connor grabbed the Android by the elbow, pulling him up to his feet.

"Alright" Connor said, calmly. "I won't. We have no reason to do so."

Connor already could tell the Android in front of him wasn't a deviant. Hiding had seemed to be his direct order from the little girl and mom. He placed the Android on the bed, having him sit down. "I'm not gonna call the police on you" Connor reassured. "But I need you to tell me somethings about the deviant out on the roof. Am I correct to say his name is Daniel?"

"Yes" the Android nodded. "It is Daniel." Finally getting somewhere.

"Okay. Can you give me more information on Daniel, and do you maybe have a hint has to why he's choose to become what he is now?" Connor asked in response. He needed as much information that he can get. It may help him when he has to face said android.

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