{1}The First Deviant

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Warnings: Gore, sexual themes(this is not definite...I honestly don't believe that there will be such theme, but just in case), cursing, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY SPOILERS FOR THE ACTUAL GAME!


"Daniel was my friend. The family loved both of us dearest to their hearts. But soon jealousy and hatred consumed him, then he tried to kill us."



An elevator door opened revealing a man in a uniform. The man adjusted his tie, wiped any dust that so happens to be on his uniform, and without wasting no more time, walks out. His face looking serious and otherwise blank. Again, not wanting to waste no time, the man follows the screams of a distraught woman, who soon came in the man's sight line.

"Please you have to save my daughter!" The woman repeated to the cops that lead her out. Getting out of the cop's grip, the woman ran into the man's arms. "P-please...you have to save my daugh-" the woman took a good look at the man, analyzing every detail. "Wait, you're sending an...android?"

The woman seemed to get more worked up at knowing this new information. The help they were waiting for all along was in fact an android. "You can't do that" the woman said, her voice showing her distraught, if her facial expression wasn't enough. The two cops that had lead her this far grabbed her gently by the elbow, and continued to lead her out. The woman's worried, worked up voice fading slowly in the distance. The man, who happened to be an android, continued his walk, following step one of his directions. Talk to Captain Allen.

Scanning the room quickly, the android found his way to the captain. "Hello Captain Allen. My name's Connor. I'm the android sent by Cyberlife" The android started. Captain Allen looked behind him at the android before looking back at the computer.

"It's firing at everything that moves" he starts. "It already shot two of my men. We could easily get it, but they're on the edge of the balcony. If it falls..." the captain took a look behind him at Connor. "She falls."

The Android processed for a moment, thinking of ways that have possible outcomings of succeeding. "Have you tried its deactivation code?" Connor asked. The man kept his eyes on the computer, but not hestaiting to answer quickly.

"That's the first thing we tried" Allen answered, not given the thing any eye contact whatsoever. That's out. The Android thought long and hard on information that could help in knowing what happened to make the other android take such hostile action.

"Do you know the android's name?" He asked, brow rose. The captain looked over his shoulder at the Android, finally giving him eye contact. The man got up from his leaning position to fully face the Android, and he didn't seem nor look happy.

"Listen, saving that kid is all that matters" he responded, not hiding his threatening tone. "So either you deal with this fucking android now, or I will." All Connor did was nod, before leaving captain so the both of them could get back to work. The Android scanned the room, his scanners showing him where possible hints or answer to the other android's deviance was. After a moment to think on where to go, he choose a random room that happened to be a bedroom.

Pink was everywhere.

Pink on the bed, pink on the bed sheets, covers. Pink literally everywhere. No doubt the little girl's room. Other then pink, Connor saw pictures. Lots of them having a little girl posing with an android.

With two, actually.

One of those androids were definitly the deviant. But where's the other android? That was now the question. Was he teamed up with the other? did he escape or run away? Did the cops take him away?

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