"How many months is Jada?" I asked

"Six, she's due September 6th"

"Name?" I asked

" Jaelyn, Ariel, Smith"

"Who's she living with?" I asked and it got quiet

"I mean for the newborn stage Jada, but we're thinking about moving in together "

"...oh" I said looking off to the side

"You good with that ?" He asked

"I mean I'll be out the house soon anyways" I shrugged

"Nah Ian mean it like im trying to kick you out or anything, you good here always" Trey said and it got awkward

"Ima push it back we don't have to do that right away " Trey said and I shrugged

"I mean it's whatever.."

We finished talking and eating before we eventually left

"Can you drop me off at Kash house?" I asked and he nodded

Once we pulled up Trey parked waiting for me to get in while I knocked on the door and his momma answered

"Hey, is Kash here?" I asked

"No baby, he said he went to help a friend out with his party" she said causing my heart to drop

"Ohh okay thank you" I smiled before turning away and anger washed over my face

I know this nigga did not just-

I know I need to trust him, but Amya? Nah she has toooo many tricks up her sleeve, and I be damned if she tries to embarrass me..

"You know where Amya stays?" I asked

"Of course " he smirked but quickly wiped it off

Niggas ain't shit.

"Can you take me there please ?" I asked and he nodded pulling out.

Once we got there, Kash's car was indeed in the parking lot.

I sighed getting out the car and knocked on the door.

Kash opened it surprised and the first thing I noticed was that he was shirtless and something red was on his neck causing me to cross my arms.

I pushed him back and walked past him causing him to grab me

"It looks bad I know but listen damn"

"move Kash" I said trying to get out of his grip but he had both of my arms

"Kay chill the fuck out!" He yelled

"boy fuck you, that's what you been busy doing all day?" I asked pushing him into the wall

Damn you really do get magic powers when you mad as hell.

His jaw clenched as he grabbed the back of my jeans pulling me back then pushed me against the wall

"We didn't do shit!" He yelled

"You got hickeys and shit on yo
Neck fuck you mean Kash move" I said breaking eye contact.

"It's makeup, Amya was trying different eye shadows on my neck since I have a lighter skin complexion, see" he said licking his thump and scrubbing at it causing it to come off.

"And before you say shit we was moving shit around I got hot so I took my shirt off"  he said causing me to let out a frustration sigh.


"I don't wanna hear that shit Kay, just leave " he said opening the door

Not even in the mood to argue I lightly pushed past him and walked out.

I mean if that was me he would've reacted the same way, like I couldn't even be around Jay without hearing his mouth. Speaking of, I have  been on high alert because he's still out there, ain't no telling what he's trying to do now.."

I got into the car and Trey didn't asked no questions, he just pulled off.

once we got home I went straight upstairs into my room and shut the door. 

I was in the mood to take a walk, but I know I cant walk down the street without my ass getting swooped.

interrupting my thought my phone rang from a unknown numner. 

I looked at it for a min trying to figure out who it could be but finally just answered, 


"Kay?"  a male's voice replied. 

I looked confused as hell 

"who is this?" I asked 

"uh- my bad my bad im trying to reach Kayla wrong number.." he said before hanging up . 

I sighed before falling down on to my bed letting out a frustrated sigh. 

a part of me was telling me to say sorry, the other part was telling me dont be sorry..

- I was writing this in class and got my phone taken to the office so my momma had to come get it and of courseeee it takes black moms forever when it comes to our little distractions... thats why it took a little bit lol 

- was Kay over reacting, or did she react how she should 

-Trey's off the hook for now, but hw forgot something... when's Trey gonna tell Kay ? 

-Kash and Amya? hanging ouuuuutt?

-next chapter will be better, this is basically like a chapter to clear up a little confusing, answer a few questions you know? just get readyyyyy to rumbleeee next chapter lmaoo

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