What does Midoriya have to say about you?

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♈️Aries-They're so bubbly it's cute

♉️Taurus-They always try take some of my food

♊️Gemini- They're really cool and they always train with me

♋️Cancer-We don't talk every much

♌️Leo-They are the best I love them so much

♍️Virgo-They're kinda mean

♎️Libra-I will always be there for them because I know they will for me

♏️Scorpio-So I accidentally fell on them before and I'm to embarrassed to talk to them

♐️Sagittarius-They are my bestie

♑️Capricorn- Please leave me be

♒️Aquarius-They're so cool

♓️Pisces-I can't talk to them with out stuttering (>-<)

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