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Anne Grey had an unreasonable pep in her step this morning. There wasn't a definite reason for it, but her smile didn't feel out of place at all.

Walking beside her, Spencer Reid has a matching grin. He knew the cause of his elevated mood, though. The woman next to him.

The month of June was coming to a close, and the air had only been getting warmer.

Consequently, Grey wore a pair of thrift store slacks that she had cut into shorts. She had spent nearly an hour trying to sew the shortened hem last night, while Reid pointed out how there would be air conditioning inside upwards of 20 times.

He still made a point to tell her that she looked nice. Half of the reason was to make sure she knew he liked her outfit choice, but the other reason was just to see her face light up.

Grey swings open the BAU doors, looking for her coworkers. "G'morning, nerds," she loudly greets, spotting three of her friends sitting at a group of desks.

"Hey guys," Reid says, his words overlapping with Anne's.

Morgan, Garcia, and JJ each give their own rendition of the word 'hello'.

Grey doesn't skip a beat, questioning, "What's the 411?"

She looks around at her peers. JJ has her hair in a tight french braid, which is odd for her. Grey deduces that it looks nice on her, though, as it makes her jawline even more prominent.
She's also wearing a beige pant suit, and stiletto heels that tap the ground quite rhythmically.

Derek is wearing a v neck as usual, but the watch around his wrist looks new, or maybe just cleaned. He also holds an entertained expression, like he had just finished laughing at a joke.

Right next to him is Garcia. She's wearing the brightest colors out of anyone in the group, by far. A violet dress hugs her figure, and thick chains with a variety of charms are layered on her neck. She also has bright makeup on, a mix of pink and purple across her eyelids.

"Hotch is mad," JJ responds, seeming a little whiney about him being upset.

Anne isn't sure why he would be angry, though he normally is. "What's up with him?"

"Well for starters, Haley's due date is in a week, and God forbid we forget," Morgan responds. He seems irritated, yet entertained.

"Ew, pregnancy," Grey says, groaning and sticking out her tongue to accentuate her point. "Why would anyone ever go through with that?"

Derek seems to agree, while Garcia and JJ begin to shake their heads.

"Believe it or not, some people think of having kids as a reward for pregnancy," Penelope explains, laughing.

"Some people are weird," she says.

Spencer jumps into the conversation, laughing then asking, "Well, how are you guys?"

JJ is the first to speak. "I'm really tired. I went out for dinner last night with this guy..."

"Ooh, do tell," Garcia prompts, interested in the conversation.

"Well, he referred to me as Kelly for the first half of the date. Then when I corrected him, he called me Jenny."

Morgan shakes his head, laughing. "Damn, where'd you meet the guy?"

"He's a barista at a café I like going to," she explains, "Guess I probably can't go there anymore, huh?"

Grey chimes in, "There's one near our place that's pretty good."

"Which one?" Reid asks. There were 3 in their general area, and he wasn't sure which one Anne liked the most.

"Café Dulce. Y'know, the one that actually fills my reusable cup without whining about it?"

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