Do What We Must

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I thought back at that moment as I sat on a bench, waiting for a bus.

Then other memories surfaced, such as when Garou destroyed the dojo where he trained at and now a few years later the talk of a 'Hero Hunter' surfaces. I had high hopes that he was back in action. I managed to stay in the lower ranks of C class by odd jobs and running arrands for higher class heros, basically kissing ass and once in a while, 'Special Favors' to maintain my rank by recommendation by higher ranks. But I have set boundaries that they know not to cross and they agreed to them. The men whom I take care of, that put in a good word for me are Iaian, Metal Bat, and to my surprise once he approached me for the 1st time, Mumen Rider.

Most of the favors aren't sexual, Iaian usually asks for help running arrands for his Senpai Atomic Samurai. Metal Bat asks me to watch his little sister, and Mumen Rider is lonely and just wants company with the occasional bike tuning.

Honestly I didn't mind the treatment, watching these young men moan and thrash, it was nice to hear...but it wasn't Garou...They were true heros, all had something or someone to fight for. Iaian was the one who was timid, always apologizing for the smallest things. He is really cute, the bags under his eyes made him look older but I didn't mind, in fact I liked it. It was difficult for him to stay away from me once he lost his arm in battle. He felt useless. He was actually the 1st one that I let touch me. I felt as if I was betraying Garou but he needed me at that moment. I fought with myself whether I cared for Iaian or not, or course I did. He is sweet, but he isn't Garou. I shivered, moaned, and cried that night.

Metal Bat was a full on lover, hopeless romantic. Treating me more like a wife rather than a babysitter and hero. Once his little sister fell asleep he'd feel up my breasts from behind while I washed the dishes. Kissing and biting my neck but not enough to leave marks, even though I know how much he wanted to, the day ending with me in his room taking care of his stress with my lips and tongue. Myself always gone soon after. Every time our eyes met his eyes sparkled. It hurt, why didn't Garou look at me that way. I shook my head, 'He is getting stroonger, we are doing what we have to to survive.'

Mumen Rider was always a mess, doubting his fame as a hero. As a fan of his it really boosted his confidence. He is a lot like Iaian except his dedication is to the people, to justice, and to help others. It was foolish but it was cute, he wasn't strong, he was normal, but he is a true hero. I was the most vocal to him. Praising him on how good his fingers felt against me, how good he tasted.

The three of them thought that they were the only one that I "took care of" I told them that no one could know because of the risk of removing me from the Hero Association since I am doing "favors" for them to stay at my rank. I finally reached my best and no longer needed to be a Hero and so I resigned. To my misfortune, as I left the building , stood Iaian, Metal Bat, and Mumen Rider. They all looked upset and I was pretty sure that I knew why. I had betrayed them. I just wanted to use my power to fly away...but I couldn't expose my power yet. I walked away from them but they caught up quickly. Metal Bat reaching me first, he looked very upset, eyes shimmered with tears.

He held my hands, "Why...Why did you quit...was it because you didn't want us to be with you anymore...was it too much?"

By then the other two caught up and were awaiting my answer,


I couldn't tell them that they were wasn't exactly true, it was at first. I don't love them, they aren't Garou. His absence has made me crave a connection.


"I'm sorry. I-I love someone. I can't do this anymore, I feel so terrible, I'm a bad person."

Iaian hugs me, "No, you are a good person, you cared about us. I felt it, I knew that I wasn't the only one on your mind...but that was always after...but when we were together. I knew that you were caring for me...because you wanted me to feel better. You are good."

The other two felt the same,

Mumen Rider smiles, "I'm glad that we got to share this time with you. I also hope that this guy is deserving of you."

I nod, "Well...I only wish you the best."

At that moment sirens were heard and Heros were summoned to the city over. They left quickly so I walked to nearby shops. I scoped the area and I noticed the hero "Caped Baldy" at a wig shop. I noticed a strong muscular man approach him. His hair was silver/white. The muscular man hits him on the shoulder and Caped Baldy suddenly hits him, causing the other to pass out. I ran to hid and my eyes widen...Garou?...I turned to the bald man as he paid for his wig.

I approach, "Oi, what caused you to hurt him so much. You will pay for hurting my friend."

"Oh, he was trying to rob me I think?" He said blandly.

"So...You are a hero that is a bully as well. Falunting your power to intimidate the one's weaker that yourself?...I pity you."


He walks away without a care in the world. I follow him, my monster aura now baring teeth, and once he was alone I hit him behind the neck. He was knocked oout and thrown through a building. I left and put Garou in a more comfortable spot to wake up. Lying on a pile of trash was unacceptable. He's not ready yet, soon we shall fight together. I kissed his cheek and left him.

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