The Past

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I wince as Tatsu pushed and kicked Garou.

"That's not nice Tatsu...he didn't-You're not playing fair."

"Huh? He is a monster, are you saying that a hero should go easy on a monster?"

"N-No, I am sayig that you should be more kind to Garou."

Once of Tatsu's friends pushed me down,

"Stupid [F/N], Garou is stupid and wants to be the monster anyway, why not treat him like one?"

I frown, "It-It's not nice...I hate people like you. You are weak, that is why you are doing this right? To feel stronger by hurting others."

He yeled Justice Kick and kicked me down, I felt my nose bleed as they walked away laughing. I wipe my nose as I look over to see Garou crying. I walk to him, his eyes widen as he looks up to me.

"You're bleeding."

I smile, "Are you okay? Those guys are jerks, never to progress further that a lower C class."

I reach to take his hand and I help him up, "Th-Thank you [F/N]."

"No problem...hey, since we live close to one another, how about we walk home together?"

He blushes so I add, "If you don't want to then that's okay too."

"No-I-Um...sure, that's okay."

We walked back to class but after school the teacher scolded him and I tried to defend him but I got scolded as well. Once we left it was almost as if his personality shifted. He was happy talking about his admiration for monsters. This continued for a few weeks and I learned that I have the power of Telekenesis. I showed Garou and he looked sad.

"Are you alright Garou?"

"Are...Are you going to be a hero?"

I smile, "I have a better idea, how about we both become monsters and show that Tatsu that monsters can win?"

He smiles wide, "I'm really happy that we are friends, I was weak...but you saw strength in me...Let's go."

We made it to Tatsu along with his group, "Come back to lose again"

Garou smirks evily, "Not quite, How does 2 Monsters Vs. a Hero sound?"

He looked to me and I used my power to hold up Tatsu's friends.

All in shock I yell, "Garou, now is your chance to beat him, fair and square."

He nods and beats him up until Tatsu is left crying, along with the others. I let them go.

"Looks like the Hero lost this fight."

Tatsu whines, "You're cheating, you have powers."

"Do you think that a monster will care whether you have powers or not?"

He cries as they run away. Garou high 5's me,

"Now I need to get stronger, I think the best place for me is to find a dojo."

I nod, "I think for the Hero association, they have great power un the upper class. I could stay a lower class and observe and learn from them. "

He nods and we take eachother's hands, he then smiles,

"Then until we meet again [F/N]."

I tear up, "Y-Yeah."

He hugs me, "We must separate, youo are the only one that I trust, so it is best for now. Until we are stong enough. Stay strong [F/N]."

He leans in and kisses my cheek with a blushing grin,

"We'll kick ass together."

I hug him back strongly, "I'll try."

We part with him wiping my tears,

"Good luck [F/N]."

I smile, "You too Garou."

Haze: Garou X Reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now