"Whatever leave you're best friend hanging to fuck you're hot boyfriend"

"I love you"


She smiled as she hung up and set the phone down

"Who was that?", Mitchell asked sarcastically causing a light kick in the arm from Tess

She gestured at him with her index finger in a 'come here' motion and he instantly obliged crawling on top of her and kissing his way up her bikini clad body. They kissed passionately for a while before Tess broke away with a sudden feeling of naseoua

Mitchell pulled away concerned, "What's wrong?"

She closed her eyes took a deep breath slowly releasing it, "I'm fine", just as she said that she felt a faint pull in her abdomen, "Shit"


"Oh God baby I think I'm.....", she opened her eyes and looked at his concerned features unsure if she should share with him what she suspected was wrong

"I uh....."

"What Tess spit it out"

"I.....have to go to the bathroom"

She jumped up running inside leaving him puzzled as he stood up and followed her. Tess rummaged through her bags and through the cupboards cursing as she threw stuff on the floor around her


She jumped a bit and whipped around smiling as Mitch entered the room


"Tess tell me what's wrong please so I can help you.....what are you looking for?"

She sighed, "Tampons"

He just stared at her for a while then nodded scratching at his neck uncomfortably, "Oh"

"I think we might have to go to the store it seems I forgot to pack some"

"Are.....I mean....are you sure that's what it is?"

She shrugged, "What else can it be? I'm usually nauseous a few days before I start and I'm a bit late.....I am usually already past it by this time but I guess I didn't really pay much attention to it"

Mitchell nodded, "Ok well I'll get dressed and meet you at the car"


A while later they were on their way to the Mall, Tess noticed Mitchell was avoiding looking or touching her just keeping his hands firmly on the steering wheel and looking in the road almost without blinking at all

"Mitch are you grossed out by me or something?"

For the first time he glanced at her as if waking from a deep trance, "What?"

She shifted so her body was facing him, "Are you grossed out? What's wrong with you?"

"No I'm.....well.....I never really had something like this", he gestured between them

"Yeah baby you said that about a hundred times since we've started dating but it still doesn't explain why you're acting weird because of tampons"

"I've just never had a relationship where a woman has shared stuff like....you know"

It finally dawned on her why he was so uncomfortable

".....I just don't know what I'm suppose to do to make you....."

"Mitch I'll admit when I'm on my period I'm a bitch times ten.....but all you have to do is buy me cake and chocolate and once in a while some tampons"

"And when is it over?"

She couldn't help but chuckle at that, "You'll know", she smiled devilishly and sat back looking straight ahead of her feeling his eyes on her

**************rewrįte the ştårş**************

"Stop that"

"What?", Mitchell asked a little bit annoyed, he was hot, hungry and not in the mood for small talk so he hid behind the various hangers in the store whenever he thought he spotted someone he may know

"You're being an ass that's what"

"Tess I thought we were getting tampons what are we doing in a clothes store?"

"I just want to browse a bit"

"Well I just want to relax poolside with a glass of whiskey"

She glared at him then sighed, "Fine.....but you're not getting any tonight"


"Shut up"

"Tess come on are you serious it's hot as hell today why should we be in a Mall when we could  be relaxing at home.....don't be mad at me"

She rolled her eyes at him as she walked past him out of the store, "See I don't think I'm the problem....", she stopped at the store entrance and turned towards him, ".....you've been in this shitty mood since this morning and I don't know why? Are you tired of me or something?"

"NO", he quickly retorted, ".....the thing is I-"


They both turned around to see their yoga instructor Salvatore approuching them with a big smile

"Ugh....", Mitchell tried to not roll his eyes as the man came closer, Tess just glared at him then smiled at Salvatore

"Hi Salvatore.....how unexpected"

He grabbed her hand and placed a kiss on it, "I am so happy to see a familiar face here.....since coming to this country it's been hard making friends"

Tess felt bad for him and suddenly had an idea, "Hey Mitchell....", she knew Salvatore got under Mitchell's skin but since his mood was so sour today she wasn't feeling like going home to his sulking for the rest of the afternoon, Mitchell came over to them faking a smile

"I was thinking since you OBVIOUSLY don't want to be here.....why don't you go home and I'll spend the rest of the day shopping with Salvatore"

Mitchell raised his eyebrows and looked at Tess with wide eyes trying to remain calm as he clentched his teeth, ".....and how will you get home"

"I'll take the bus or something"

Salvatore who's smile it seems couldn't get brighter waved the idea away, "I'll take you home"

Mitchell still a bit rattled tried to come up with another reason but his mind was filled with murderous thoughts as he looked towards the smirking pain in the ass who was much too happy about the turn of events

"What? Something wrong sweetheart?", she challenged him but he only sighed and threw his hands up


"Ok we'll see you later", she gave him a quick peck on the cheek

He watched helplessly as the two strolled away chatting animatedly, he supposed he deserved this after his foul mood but there was a reason for him being so grumpy the whole day. He knew he should have talked to Tess first about the phone call he got this morning but he was so scared of losing her, he was so terrified she would take it all the wrong way and leave the instant she knew what was bothering him.

But now watching her walk away with a man he despised out of nothing but pure jealousy he knew he had to tell her because trying to protect her from his past could ruin their relationship and he could lose the love of his life

**************rewrįte the ştårş**************

😒mmmmm......what did Mitchell do.....

Hate me if you want but I am so sorry for the long wait and the not as long as the others chapter lol OH and the slight cliffhanger. I've been under major pressure this past month and I'm still working hard so I can't write a lot in one sitting, I write as inspiration strikes and only a few sentences at a time.  Thank u to everyone who checked up on me and and thanks even more for the patience


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