Chapter 8

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Soon the night of the premiere came, and everyone was excited. Celebrities from all over came to see the production's first showing.

And of course, L.B. Mammoth. The crowd didn't make a move until they had Mammoth's permission. So excited to be in the mere presence of the man. Arriving with his 'delightful' star, Darla Dimple.

The man riding with his star to the premiere. They were pulling all the stops for this event, the inflatable, Darla writing her name in the wet cement of the Hollywood walk of fame and placing her hands in it, and the press was eating it up. After cleaning her hands with Flanigan's ascot, a little boy made his way through the crowd for an autograph. Seeing the camera's, Darla didn't hesitate to pose for it with the kid. The blonde thriving from the attention showered on her. Her moment of triumph.

With Danny and the others kicked out of Mammoth studios, what could possibly go wrong?

Once everyone came in and sat down, the movie began. Darla, Flanigan and Mr. Mammoth were all in a balcony together. With Max standing guard behind them. For someone who didn't like animals, Darla had plenty of toys of them from the movie, each wearing the sailor uniform. She was a slob, stuffing her face with cake, popcorn, and an apple from somewhere that she took a bit and tossed aside. Slurping her drink and burping. She at the very least used a napkin, before stuffing her face again.

Meanwhile, no one noticed a bunch of animals, who were unknowingly invited, coming in.

Finding empty seats in the back of the theatre, Frances moved into the rows first, with Cranston, Sawyer and Tillie right behind. Passing two humans sitting there.

"Oh, excuse me." The fish asked, her cigarette smoke wafting up as the gentleman waved it away.

"Move!" Cranston yelled, jostling the humans with his cane as their popcorn bowl nearly fell over.

Sawyer came behind Cranston, excited, but trying not to show it.

"Excuse me!" Tillie whispered, trying to squeeze past. Her excitement more prominent as she giggled.

Woolie moved in last, "Could I just squeeze past? Thank you so very much." The woman's wig falling off and somehow atop the gentleman's head beside her, which she quickly snatched back and put it on, smoothing it out. The gentleman fixing his glasses.

Woolie winced as he sat down and those seated to the right of him were sent fly up, right out of their seats. "Oh. So sorry!"

The last to arrive and coming in after the elephant, T.W. sat down in one of the now vacant seats, grabbed the popcorn bag that came out of nowhere, and sparing a moment to look confused as to where it came from, shrugged and began to eat.

The crew began to watch the movie, to Danny's delight when he looked out from behind the curtains. "They're in! The minute the movie ends, we go on."

Nodding in agreement, Pudge and Meredith prepared to wait for the movie to end. From their position, they could see the film themselves, and Meredith wished she didn't. She could hear the crowd going 'aw' and sneered in disgust. She couldn't believe they couldn't see what Darla really was. She was practically strangling the two rabbits in the movie with how tight her hug was.

She wasn't the only one disgusted as in the seats, Cranston rolled his eyes at part in the film, murmuring, "Shoot me..."

Backstage, Danny was preparing the piano for Woolie as Meredith came out with microphones. She looked amazing in her black pants, glittering sleeveless blue top and tan jacket. Pudge was wearing a red vest and bow tie with a top hat as he moved some drums into place.

This time, they were going to make their dream come true their way.

Taking a moment, Danny saw a glance of her out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but smile. She was beautiful, gorgeous to him. He couldn't help but think back to the kiss, blushing at the thought.

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