A New Challenger Approaches

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I make my way through the small clusters of students towards the studio theatre, another small group of students already eagerly awaiting the arrival of our 'cult leader' Shanequa.
Shanequa is a small yet burly man with slightly balding bright pink hair that somehow blends into his extremely sunburnt skin, yet we treat him like a god.

Shanequa knows knowledge.

"Hey." I say pushing my way into the small circle.
As if times I hear a click from my right and look over to see Shanequa standing by the doorway, he pushes the door into a small choc ,that our schools handyman dick had recently installed, and hear him mumble something about loving dick under his breath.
Shanequa then straightens his spine to give off a taller impression and clears his throat.
"All right team, I've spent the whole day pulling an extremely large stick out of the P&C's rear, so let's use that newly found stick to rig some very expensive lights."

We quickly follow his lead and enter the building through the foyer and into the theatre, the theatre is decently proportioned but still gives off a nice homey vibe, despite the falling apart seating arrangement and holy drapes.
We all take our seats and prepare ourselves for the long rant ahead.

Shanequa quickly begins to rant about his roles in the industry and how influential he's been and I try to tune out his nasal voice with whatever else I can find that's more interesting than this. I soon notice Kronks heavy breathing, which I then tune out because I just might gag, and Gaia's nervous foot tapping. None of these peek my interest and I rest my chin in my palm as I slowly stare into the empty universe of thoughts on the floor, otherwise known as tarkett.
"Agh shit!"
A deep voice calls from around the corner.
"What- what the fuck was that?" Shanequa stomps around the corner. "I swear if you fucking broke something Kyle." He huffs as he makes his way towards the sound.
"Kyle?" I turn my head to the other techies and we all look at each other in confusion.
"Maybe it's mysterio, portrayed by my favourite actor Eden Gyllenhaal." Jake says making an and I oop sound.

Fucking mysterio.

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