who are you?

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It's a typical day in the agency.
It was rainy and grey outside, perfect for the perfect suicide! That's how Dazai was thinking about it. He was thinking too much about it. that's really annoying.

"Well I'll go outside for a good walk." he said.
Kunikida was a little angry and grumbled: "No Dazai, you're not going outside!"
"But that's the perfect  weather for a romantic walk." dazai lies.
"Really?" Kunikida asks curiously.
"Of course it is! Every girl will love it that is so romantic!" Dazai grinned.
Kunikida pulled out his notebook and started to write it down. All detail how sweet it was and how romantic it will be.

Dazai started laughing "HAHAHA Kunikida you believe all thinks I said, don't you? " He laughed.
Kunikida got angry and broke his own pen "DAZAAAAAAIIIIIIIII?!" He was really angry at Dazai.

Atsushi was looking at them and sights " Every day! Common guys!"
"Shut your mouth bread!" Kunikida  said furiously.
"It's okay Kunikida san calm down!" Atsushi said it slightly nervous.

Kunikida chooks Dazai.

Ranpo was completed annoyed from both he decides to throw his ramune. He looks to both and makes weird  sounds this was sounds like a squishy pig "You're both are morons!" He said angrily and stands up and took some candies and goes.

"Ranpo don't go...  you will not find the agency  again if you are going alone!" Tanizaki was worried.
" I don't give a shit!" Ranpo replied and then he was gone.

Ranpo was going out in the rain his clothes were then already wet from the rain but he don't care about it 'Why is that every day aaarg I hate it!' He thought. He has an angry walk and doesn't look where he is going. After a half of an hour, he running in somebody. " LOOK WHERE YOU GOING, YOU MORON!" Ranpo almost cries to the person.

"I ... I am sorry" said the person. He has an umbrella he was a tall and skinny man with long bangs there where so long nobody can see his eyes. He stands in front of Ranpo.
The little men look up "Can you FUCKING moving out of my way!?" He shouted.
Now the tall men can see the face of Ranpo and realised who he was "Ranpo??...is that you?" He asks curiously. "Yes, I am ... but how to do now who I am..? I don't know you.... who are you!" The little men ask him.
"I .. I am Edgar Allan Poe... you now me, we where reveals" Poe replied to the question.
"Poe who... I don't know you ... " Ranpo started the walk again.
"B..but Ranpo-" "Shut up you moron!" Ranpo stumbles and falls in a puddle "FUCK IT?!"
Poe sees it and runs to him "Is everything okay with you?" Poe asks worriedly. "Yes ..." He stands up  he felt pain in his feet and his clothes are now dirty and wetter than before. He starts freezing. Poe sees it and takes his cape and puts it around Ranpo. "You will get cold," Poe said worriedly. "I AM FINE!?" He cries.
"But it doesn't look like this" Poe said.
"I am fine....." He wants to walk again but he Hisses because of pain and falls again "Ouch!"
"See you not fine Ranpo  you can't even walk!" Poe squats down and sees in Ranpo's face. Ranpo looks up and now he realised who he really was he can remember him "Poe...." He said. "Ehm yes Ranpo what is it?" Poe looked to Ranpo.

I am sorry for this short chapter T.T I will be better in the next chapter

Haha I am so damn sorry

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