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* Consistency *

"Have  you dropped anything, love?" Vincent asked ironically.

That's exactly how it goes every morning. Since I first came to school, Vincent Hacker has been bullying me. Slowly and surely I'm getting tired of what he's up to? Why is he so mean to me? I didn't do a damn thing to him.

I picked up my books from the ground, which was thrown to the ground by that Dumbledore and went to class.

At least there's something nice about this day. We have a sporting day and that means the whole class will be together all day, so all day with Ethan. I'm very happy for that because E is a fine boy.

And no, I don't have anything with him.  He's a pure friend, and I can afford that he's my best friend, he's so funny, he can understand things, and he's pretty nice to me. Plus, he likes Angie, but she's crazy about Vincent, you know?
Such an asshole and she is completely in love with him.

But Vincent is a pretty creep, and he's just using Angie. I've even had an argument with her about it, but she's still standing her ground, which is why I don't even hang out with her much anymore, because she is always with him... She annoys him.


The first three hours were fine, Ethan and I talked it through. It was lunchtime and we were walking towards the school cantine.
It was pretty crowded, and there was a lot of confusion and shouting like any break. We were on the council for lunchtime all of a sudden I registered that someone had outrun me.. of course, that someone was the king of the school Vinnie aka dickhead Vincent Hacker. Ethan stroked my shoulder to calm me down, but that didn't help.

I just decided to finally tell him something. "Sorry, I didn't notice you were blind, but the line is at the end of the corridor" I said with a smile.

Ethan started laughing and it kind of lifted my confidence. Vincent turned and looked at me with a look of style. 'like that was on me?!'

I just lifted my chin and smiled at him. "What dare you speak to me?! You're nothing! Nobody wants you here, fuck off! "

It's like the whole school has gone quiet, watching what's going on here. I'm not going to lie, I don't even know why, but it kind of saddened me. My confidence fell back to freezing point, and I didn't know what to do.

Ethan grabbed my arm from behind like a prop, and suddenly something occurred to me. 'so let's give the little boy a taste of his own medicine '

I threw the tray of food out of his hand. "have you dropped anything, love?" I made the look of a scared  puppy and put my hand in front of my mouth.

The hole school started laughing, and Ethan started jumping with a fit of laughter. 'now it's 1-1 darling'I said in my head, looking into his eyes with determination.

He was angry, however, going one step closer, about two inches from my face. "You'll pay for that" he said in an angry whisper to my face.

He left and didn't forget my shoulder-scratching for mine. I swallowed hard. I got a little scared, I'm not going to lie, but the fear passed after a while, because Ethan took me in his arms.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my love, Ellen Smith, a great scoundrel who is afraid of nothing and gives everyone an ass"

E shouted all over the dining room and the kids started clapping there. I finally felt strong again.

"She's got some steam to tell you" One of Hacker's squad came towards us. He had braces, he was tall and curly hair like Ethan's, but he had black hair. "I'm Elmo" reached out to me with his big hand. I needed a "Ellen" hand with him and I answered politely and I smiled. "Now you don't even have to tell your name now the whole school knows about you, 'cause she kicked herself the butt of the school king himself" Elmo said with a laugh, and Ethan bawled me on the shoulder.

'Oh no, Vincent's going to kill me.. I've embarrassed him the whole school....I'm a dead man'

*next soon, hope u liked it ❤️😊*

Vinnie Hacker (English ) Where stories live. Discover now