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I choke down the criticism,
Gulp it down with a glass of milk.
Cold and tasteless,
Always the same.
Never changes, ever.
But I've grown to get used to it.
You're dumb,
(When I just want to make you laugh)
You're disrespectful,
(When I defend myself)
You're a child,
(When everyone still has their childlike side to them)
You don't love me,
(When I do everything in my power to show you you're wrong)
I would be broken by these rather,
Harmful words, but
I don't care anymore.
I'm numb from all these strikes.
When someone you thought loved you...
Tells you these things,
You feel like you've been MADE by this person to BE a dumb, disrespectful child that can't love....
When you've proven many times,
That YOU'RE the dumb one,
(For telling me these things knowing you're wrong)
You're the disrespectful one,
(For knowing what you say is rude)
You're the ignorant child,
(For believing only what YOU say is the right thing to say)
And you're the one that doesn't love me...
(For why would you do these things to someone you truly love)
But it's fine...
I have other people that love me,
Other people that believe I am smart,
That believe I am respectful and know I won't give respect if I don't get it in exchange,
That know I am young but know that I am not a child,
I am responsible and mature,
That know I love them and would do anything for them,
People that love me for the young women I am....
Unlike you,
But it's ok because I'm used to your criticism...
It doesn't hurt me anymore.
I need it now,
It makes me want to show you how wrong you truly were,
It builds me.
I am stronger than I ever was.
So thank you,
Thank you for your endless criticism.
Stay strong and stay golden ponyboy.
320 words

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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Little Yellow Book of Life Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ