Allmightfan715 sent a message...

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Allmightfan715 added ExplosionMurder, Kalamari, Stronk, ColdAss, and Mochity to a group chat.
Allmightfan715 changed the group chat name to "I'm sorry, I can't sleep"
5:21 am
Allmightfan715: im sorry if anyoneit is awake rn
Allmightfan715: *anyone
Allmightfan715: i styaed up all night looking at all might metch and i lost track of time
Allmightfan715: i didnt add iida cause i know he would yell at me to sleep better and i know i should listen but i was caught up in merch!! i hope you guys dont yell at em
5:45 am
ColdAss: Oh.
ColdAss: I don't know if you are still awake, sorry. i just woke up.
Allmightfan715: i am sadly still up!! but, goodmorning Shoto!
ColdAss: Good"morning" to you too, Izuku.
Mochity: Oh!! Morning guys! Wait! Deku-kun!! You shouldn't have added Katsuki if you didn't want to get yelled at!!
ColdAss: I was going to say that. I'm sure Bakugou would yell at you for this.
Allmightfan715: he hasnt read the mesages yet! im not worried
ExplosionMurder: Excuse me, the fuck??
Allmightfan715: i am worry
Mochity: You have fun getting yelled at! I want breakfast!!
ColdAss: Oh, I forgot about breakfast.
ColdAss: I'm going to go make cereal.
Mochity: No one die please! brb!!
Allmightfan715: oh okay! love you too guys..
ExplosionMurder: Are you that fucking dense??
ExplosionMurder: I don't give a shit if it was for new All Might merch or whatever the fucking shit.
ExplosionMurder: Go to fucking sleep at a recent fucking time you dumbass!!
Allmightfan715: are tou done?
ExplosionMurder: NO, I AM NOT DEKU!
ExplosionMurder: Don't fucking interupt me!
ExplosionMurder: Deku, you seriously need to stop staying up so fucking late! Stop fucking being a dumb shitty nerd, turn off your damn fucking phone at 11 pm and go the fuck to fucking sleep!!
ExplosionMurder: Stay up this late again and you are fucking dead. Now, go to sleep right the fuck now.
Allmightfan715: Kacchan, when did you get so caribf about my mentla health?
ExplosionMurder: the hell? never you dumb nerd
ExplosionMurder: you're really fucking annoying when you are fucking tired
Allmightfan715: oh...
Allmightfan715: well f word you
ExplosionMurder: I fucking hate you so much
ExplosionMurder: Goodnight shitty Deku

Deku, go the fuck to sleep.Where stories live. Discover now