"wow." said siva. "siva!" shrieked Ellen, and she ran out of her room and jumped on him. She wrapped her legs around him and laid her head on his shoulder. "god I've missed you, where are the girls?" she asked. "love I've only been gone half an hour and the girls are with the management." said siva and he lightly touched her back. She flinched a bit, but ignored it as she breathed in his smell. Siva sat with Ellen in his Lap and I was jealous as fuck.

She turned and leaned against his chest as she looked at us. Siva wrapped his arms around her stomach to hold her to him and she shuddered, but let it happen. "i know you guys want to know, what happened to me, and I think I can tell you." she said,then looked at me. "Nathan, come here." she said, I got up and walked over.

I sat down next to siva and she laid down so she was half in my lap, half in his. "a long time ago, I was kidnaped. I don't remember from where, I think a playground maybe. But then I got taken to this cabin in the woods by this guy. Him and his buddies, I was with them for years. The only reason I know how old I am is because they were cruel and every year on my birthday they'd s...never mind." she said.

Her eyes were closed and she rolled over and buried her head into my shirt. She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me. "you asked about my scars, i have a lot of them. They'd beat me, all the time. For no reason. I didn't do anything wrong, if I misbehaved they'd beat me, but they'd beat me just because they were bastards, when I didn't do anything. I think they'd usually use a belt, but if they didn't have one, they'd use whatever they had on them at the time." she started.

"they'd just bend me over somewhere and beat me till I was bloody and beat, then just laugh and leave, they'd expect me to clean myself up, or else they'd just beat me again." she whispered. "oh love." I said and brushed the tears off her cheeks. She flinched and opened her eyes, she looked at me and her eyes softened.

She reached up and touched me. "I'm sorry." she said. "it wasn't your fault." I said, she nodded. "that's why I love my showers. They'd never follow me into the shower, not once in the five years I was there. Not a single one of them would ever enter my shower, its the only place I feel safe...and with you boys." she said, i frowned.

"go get some tea." I said, she looked at me "why?" she asked. "because, I'm about to start yelling and I don't want to scare you." I whispered and stroked her cheek. She sat up in my lap and I was about to kiss her when she jumped up. "not now." she shuddered, I nodded and she walked off.

There was silence as she left. "we have to get those bastards." I said. "how?" asked Tom. "we're famous, we have connections, we can do it." I said. "get it done." I hissed, then followed Ellen. She was laying down on the floor, looking up at the ceiling & my heart softened.

I went over and saw she was laying down and I could tell she was scared. "you want to be alone? Or can I stay?" I asked, her eyes looked conflicted. "will you protect me?" she asked suddenly, I nodded, "absolutely." I whispered.

"then stay." she said, I peeled off my tux and laid down next to her. "can I touch you?" I asked, she shudder. "just, one sec." she said and turned to face me. She wrapped her arms around my neck and moved closer so she was touching me. "let me try something." she said, I nodded. She leaned in and kissed my neck lightly.

I sucked in my breath as she kissed me again, then licked me and started sucking. She was giving me a hickey, her hands trailed down my back and she kissed up my neck and along my jaw. Her lips were right above mine and she was breathing just as hard as me.

"kiss me." she said, I didn't hesitate and I leaned in and pressed my lips softly against hers. She kissed me back with hesitation and I deepened the kiss a little. she parted her lips a bit and I slid my tongue into hers. Her breath hitched in her throat and she opened her mouth more as we kissed and she started using her tongue. I moaned, god this was more then I could take.

I rolled on top of her and buried my hand into her hair. Pressing her head harder against mine as I kissed her. I was between her legs as I laid on top of her, fisting her hair, crushing her head to mine as we kissed. She pulled back. "Nathan! Stop." she shouted, then jumped off the floor and ran. "fuck!" I shouted and chased after her. She ran past the guys and into the bathroom.

I growled and punched the wall, so hard it hurt and I screamed. I stood there, panting, god I'm such a fucking idiot. She'll probably never let me touch her again. The door opened and she was crying. "im sorry, sir." she said. "it was my fault! and don't call me sir." I shouted, she flinched.

I walked over and she backed up, I lowered my voice. "I'm sorry Ellen, im not mad at you, I'm mad at myself. I shouldn't have done that, but, I love you and, I just couldnt control myself. Im sorry." I said, her eyes softened a bit, but I could still see the fear in them. I raised my hand to touch her and she flinched, I let it drop back down by my side and walked away.

I jumped down onto the couch which still smelled a little like her and breathed in her comforting scent, then I started crying. I went on twitter and put a tweet up. 'I'm sorry Ellen, I didn't mean to, please forgive me.' I got a reply almost immediately, Ellen was much less fearless when she was on the Internet. 'I want to, but I'm scared.'

'please, don't be scared of me, it kills me that you're scared of me.' I typed. 'I don't want to be scared of you nathan, I love you' she said. 'then don't be, let me hold you' there was a long pause between her reply so I looked at what some fans were saying, some were being really nice, some complete ass wholes. 'ok, listen, to all you fanmily being nice and supportive of Ellen, I love you all, to those of you "fans" being mean to her, fuck you, you have no idea what you're talking about.' 'so, if you're mean to her, then you're a bully and you aren't really in the fanmily, this is way bigger then what you stupid haters think, if you could just be nice and friendly, then I'd love you all forever'

'thank you Nathan.' was her reply. 'for what?' I asked. 'for being you, I'll be out to get changed in just a minute' I RTed it to let her know I saw it and put my phone in my pocket. I walked past the guys in my boxers and they were all staring at me. I just sighed and went to where Ellen and I were laying on the floor and pulled my tux back on. "Nathan what did you do to yourself!" shouted one of the makeup people.

She shoved me onto the chair and redid my face and fixed my suit. I went back to see the boys, Kelsey and nareesha had left, as well as jay and Maggie. I gave the guys a questioning glance. "Kelsey and nareesha are helping Ellen get ready and Maggie and jay are...well....I'm not sure, I'd assume sucking face...again he's really taken an interest in her." said max, I nodded and sat down.

When the door opened and the girls came out with Ellen I just stared at her. "Ellen..." I started, but she interrupted me. "it...it's fine Nath, forget about it." she said with a smile. "no, I don't want to forget about it, I'm sorry." I said, she shrugged. I sighed, I'd set us back really far in our progress. I looked down and let out my breath in a puff.

"aww Nath." said Ellen, then I looked up as she came over and sat in my lap. "nayfy, I don't want you sad, I forgive you for taking it to far and I'm sorry that I can't give you what you want." she said. "no, no, don't be sorry, it's not your fault." I said. "but it is, I want to be touched by you Nathan, I want to be loved by you but, I'm always just so fucking scared." she whispered.

"babe, you know I love you, I've already told you not to worry about that. I know we can't be a normal couple, but I don't care, as long as I'm with you I'm happy." I said sincerely, she looked down at me, then leaned over and kissed me. I kissed her back and licked her bottom lip. I felt her hesitate, then she opened her mouth and we started making out.

She reached forward and wound her fingers through my hair as we kissed. It took every bit of my willpower to keep my arms around the back of the couch and not touch her as I desperately wanted to do. And in that moment when I was kissing her, I felt like there was hope that maybe we could be a normal couple, that maybe she'd get better and we could live happily every after.


Hi guys, you like?

So anyway, I've been writing the next chapter and some weird stuff happens, I have the whole fucking plot planned out in my head, at least five major points that will make you fucking cry your eyes out, but I just have to get from point A to point B, I will be writing a lot of this so expect updates more often.

The more comments I get the faster I'll update and please tell me what you think, enjoy.

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