Ruby Rose

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8 Years have passed since I left the orphanage, never went to a family as I relied on my own skills to survive. got some money from working as a mercenary and a bodyguard which got me some practice in combat and allowed me to craft my own weapons. I managed to blend in with the rest of society by wearing always wearing something to cover my tail and stripes and having permanent bed hair. No-one really is none the wiser as I mask my scent with my demonic power. I have total control over what I can do, although many spontaneous forest fires were the price of it.


I Stood in a decent stance as Diablo explained how hellfire works. "hellfire requires focus to direct but not to control. you can focus it into a point using  a stomp but it will spread in all direction like a shockwave." I nod and slam my foot into the ground. a ring of fir launches from me and goes to the nearby trees, setting them on fire ad returning to me. when they did, I felt stronger but the moment didn't last long as I had to haul ass to get out of the rapidly burning forest.

*End flashback*

"People are still questioning that fire's origin" Diablo commented as I enter a store conveniently named 'Dust till Dawn'. " Hey I did vale a service, that area was densely populated with Grimm and now they're ashes." I say quietly to avoid suspicion. i go over to the counter and begin to talk to the store clerk. "hi, I'm here to collect an order under the name of Dialon" I tell the clerk and he nods ducking under his counter. when he comes back up  he has a case filled with both Lightning and Fire dust in Crystal and powder form. "Thanks, and keep the change" I say as i give him some Lien and head over to the end of the shop to the magazines.

"I still don't understand why you bother buying more dust when you can create those elements and have my Soulstone" Diablo mutters as I open one on The White fang. "Look, while I can I need to have some feasible way of explaining how to someone and I can't use the black Soulstone in both Bloodmoore  or  Vulcan and Hephaestus." I state as i read up on the groups misdeeds. I look left and see a girl about a year younger than me wearing a red cloak reading a weapons article whilst listening to music. 'Hmm she looks cute' i think but my thoughts are interrupted by begging.

"Please just take my Lien and Leave" the store clerk pleas as i slightly turn my head and notice that the infamous criminal Roman Torchwick has decided to pays a visit to this store. "We aren't here for your money, Grab the Dust" Roman says as his goons empty dust into canisters. one goes to approach me and the girl so I turn my head and slot  fire dust crystals into my gloves. "Diablo, It's ShowTime" i whisper which causes the demon to laugh in my head.  

"Hey you two, hands behind your head now." the thug says trying to intimidate us but the girl didn't hear him due to her headphones and i ignore him as he doesn't scare me. he gets closer and turns me and the girl around which causes her to take notice. "Are you robbing me" she asks as the thugs nods. "Might I add that you're attempt to intimidate was pathetic, go find a new career. we shall guide you." I say sarcastically as i punch him straight through the store window.

The girl and I jump out of the broken window and go to fight the rest of the thugs. I go to draw Bloodmoore and Vulcan when... "Oh God Dammit" I yell. "I told you we left something at the Apartment" Diablo mocks me as I go for a left hook imbued with Hellfire and dust. he ends up with severe burns on his face and collides with a wall. i go to hit the next one but they are taken out by a shot to the chest. turning around I see the girl from before holding a scythe that looks WAY too big for her to use effectively.

we take out the rest of the goons and chase Torchwick to the roof. "Well red and black, I'm afraid this is where we part ways." he says as a bullhead appears behind him. he throws a dust crystal our way so i grab the girl and turn my back. the crystal explodes and i feel the force of it behind me. Luckily, Me and my clothes are fire proof. turning back around the ship is about to take off when I notice a drain pipe. I rush to grab it and charge it with red lightning. I throw it hoping to puncture one of the engines but a woman wearing a red dress shoots the pipe out of the sky.

"Damn, well here goes" I say as i charge up. the girl shoots at the bullhead to keep it distracted long enough. After a few seconds i unleash a torrent of hellish lightning from my hands which hits the bullhead and causes it to spin a bit. the Bullhead stabilises and retreats but the ship is still sparking.

Growling a bit I turn to see the girl kneeling looking at me in awe and with a slight blush. "hey, you alright?" I ask as I help her up onto her feet. "yeah I'm fine, how's your back" she asks and i just shrug. "Don't worry about me, I'm fireproof" next thing I know I'm in a purple bubble with a blonde woman staring at me and the girl who is in a separate bubble. "You two are coming with me" she orders. "I'll walk thanks" i say as i punch the bubble which shatters it.


"I hope you know that your actions tonight will not be taken lightly young man, you put yourself and others in great danger." the woman says with an authoritative way. "Are you reading of a script, if so can you tell me when Good Cop gets here" i say laying back in my chair with my feet on the table. she looks at me and begins to speak again. "If it were up to me you would be sent home with a pat on the back... And a slap on the wrist." she strikes near my boot and I just look at her with some questioning eyes. "Ok, First i have no home, i constantly move, second you would hurt yourself more if you did that and finally as soon as you came out of this rom you would be filed for harming a minor." i retort which nearly causes her to strike me again before she regains her composure.

"But... There is someone here who wants to meet you" she says and moves to the side to reveal a man with grey hair. "So you are Professor Ozpin of beacon academy, Well, this is a pleasant surprise." I say as i sit properly in my chair. "Young man... there isn't much known about you is there." he says as i look at him. "And I'd want to keep it that way."I quickly reply. "Where were you taught to fight like this." he says as the woman shows and image of me fighting. "Self-taught, never went to a combat school" i say which throws both him and the woman off but Ozpin collects himself almost instantly.

"I see, and how are you able to use Dust in this manner." he asks as he shows a clip of me charging the drain pipe.  "Who said it was Dust, and no it isn't my semblance." I say which confuses the woman but Ozpin stands firm. "Glynda, could you wait outside for one moment" she nods and walks out the room. "Hello Ozma, how's this life." I say casually which causes him to sigh. "it has been fine Diablo" he says with a bit of a chuckle. "let me guess, the red lightning or the fact that I'm fireproof" i retort with. "both, I just needed to be sure, I thought you were trapped in a Soulstone" he says which makes me chuckle. "oh he is, I just know all his memories as our souls have bonded together."

"Fare enough, anyway I'll make you the same offer I did to the girl. Would you like to join Beacon?" I think for a moment and I come to a decision. "Why not, but I choose my team and I don't wear that blasted uniform." he smiles and takes out his hand. "Deal, welcome to beacon Mr.." i finish his sentence. "Kahn, Dialon Kahn"

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