Cress Part 2

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Cress POV

Thorne leaves the room, leaving me with a bunch of strangers.

"Wha-what did I do?" I ask, looking around.

The girls who introduced herself as Cinder replied.

"You forgot him," she replied

"no, he's the one thing I remember," I say

"You remember him, but you dont remember you and him," Prince Kaito replies, "you two have been dating for the past eight years, he planned to propose after the party where you were attacked, and then when you woke up."

"No, thats not true, he didnt love me, I saw him that other girl," I say, looking around. Then I see her, the girl who stole him.

"You! You took him from me," I say, getting out of the bed, and walking towards her, but my shoulders are grabbed and I get held back, "you're the reason he will never love me!" With that I collapse onto my knees

My Darling Crescent MoonNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ