Just when I thought thinking of him is enough to kill me. He's sitting with a gorgeous lady. They look happy. I feel the tears. I feel my heart breaking into pieces. Why do I have to love a stranger? Why do I care? So many why's.

The scene I saw days ago was still imprinted deeply in my mind. My mom noticed me. I started spilling out to her. I was crying while telling her. She patted my back. She shared with my pain. I asked her why but all she gave was a book. A very old book. I didn't understand. She left me and I read the book. I felt like I was sucked into the pages of the book. It was a diary of a lady named Victoria Craig. As I read the book, I cried. For her. She loved a guy named Sebastian. But that's all. They were in an arranged marriage. And the night before their wedding, he fled. With another woman. Victoria was left heartbroken. She didn't ate for days and locked herself in her room. Then a week after he escaped, she made a blood oath. The oath sent chills to my spine after reading it . My body will perish but my soul will not. Tonight, on this full of the night, I take oath to the only man I love. Someday, our souls will meet. Someday, I'll see him again. No matter how long. I'll willingly wait. There will be pain and heartbreaks but I swear that he's the only man I dedicate my soul with. My soul will live in the body of the generation that will return to our little place. The moon above witnesses.

There were dried droplets of blood. I closed the book. I felt something changed within me. I hurried to ask my mom. I was horrified... Victoria Craig... She's--- she's my ancestor. My mom showed me the date when she wrote the entry. May 25, 1164. Victoria lived here in this house. I was frightened by the realization that hit me. Could it be that Victoria's soul is in me? Could it be the reason? But how about Luke? Does that mean he's Sebastian's descendant? Was this true? This was answered when something fell from the book. A sketch. It's old but I was surprised.The first person I thought of was Luke. Then when I flipped it over, I saw the name printed in bold letters. SEBASTIAN HARRINGTON

The next thing I know is that I'm stalking Luke. I follow him everywhere. I'm obsessed with him. Could this be me or the effect of the blood oath? I throw myself at him.

This isn't me.I don't usually do what I'm doing now. This is embarassing, I know but it makes me happy. Just to be close at him. He took whatever was offered to him willingly.

Every breath
Every hour has come to this
One step closer...

Luke is lying next to me. I feel the rise and fall of his chest, his breaths, tickling my face. I hear the sound of his heartbeats. Luke. I love him so much. I wish he loves me, too. He stirred and woke up. He looked disoriented. Then he saw me. Shock registered on his face. He immediately stood up and gathered his clothes.
'You're leaving me?' -Wynona
'I shouldn't be here in the first place. Amy is waiting for me.' - Luke
'Who's Amy?' - Wynona
'My fíancee. I'm sorry for what I've done. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you.' -Luke
'Please. Don't leave me. Stay with me. I love you. I've waited so long for you. Please stay with me.' -Wynona
'Look, we only met like a handful of times. I don't even know you actually. You threw yourself at me. I'm sorry for being weak but I need to go 'coz my fìancee is waiting for me. Now if you'll excuse me. - Luke
'Please, Luke. Don't leave me. Please, I ne---'

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love for a thousand more
And all along I believed I would found you
Time has brought your heart to me
I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

He slammed the door. I was left heartbroken. Again. I was in that pathetic state. Just like the old times. Just like Victoria when Sebastian left her. But I never stopped. I chased Luke. And he kept on pushing me away. I won't give up. I'm not Victoria. I won't sulk myself into sorrow. Everyone tells me to stop. Even my mom. I never listened to them. Not now. I have a chance. The night with Luke. It resulted to our child. Luke's child. I need to tell him. I did. But he was skeptical. He refused to believe. I showed him my doctor's visit but he won't accept it. We argued. We never noticed Amy. She heard everything. Luke is angry at me. He shouted insults and called me a slut. He pushed me out of the way to run after Amy. I lost my balance. I freaked out when I saw blood running down my thighs. There's no one to help me. I willed myself to stand up. No. not my baby. I called my mom and she arrived at Luke's house. She helped me to go to the hospital. My mom... She didn't scold me. She didn't blame me. She just comforted me. I made a decision. Luke isn't mine from the start and he never will be. My child. My baby. I don't wanna lose my baby. My poor little baby suffered because of my idiocy, because of my obsession with Luke. I'll start a new life away from here. Mom offered me to go back to Texas. We sold our ancestral house. I burned Victoria's diary. I'm not like Victoria. I can start without Luke. I will raise my child without him. He rejected our child before it is born. I don't have to dwell on the past. I have my own mind. Victoria's soul maybe living inside of me but this is still my body and my mind and I have the

power over it. I don't have Luke but I have the light and hope to continue living without him.

One step closer....
One step closer....
I have died everyday waiting for you Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years

Three years later...

I'm here at a park. With my son. I decided to take Lance, my bouncy and adorable three-year old child, for a stroll. The weather here in Texas is pretty fine. I want to spend my free time with Lance. I've been busy working. It keeps my mind off from things. Past things. The ball Lance is playing with slide out of his tiny grasp. He happily chases after it. I love the sound of his chuckles. It makes the stress go away. The ball stops in front of a pair of black leather shoes. The owner picks up the ball and hands it to Lance then he looks at me. Those pair of blue eyes, that captivated me, stares at me. I'm momentarily adazed. I mouth his name. Luke. What is Luke doing here in Texas? Then flashbacks flooded my mind. I winced at the pain. Lance's voice broke me out of my reverie. He said 'thank you' to the stranger. Lance made his way to me. I eagerly grabbed Lance's tiny hands. I started walking away when a warm hand stopped me. I saw Luke.I mouth 'please'. with pleading eyes. It hurts me just to see him. Then I was surprised at his next move. He knelt down at Lance and cupped my son's face. He looked confused while looking at Luke and me. His next move sent warm tingles all over my body. Luke lifted and kissed me. I was too happy at that moment to argue. Too gleeful to be angry at him. With his simple kiss, I forgot the pain I suffered. Hope bloomed in my heart. All this time. I just kept him hidden, locked inside the deepest confines of my heart. All the love resurfaced at that simple kiss.
"Can I have a second chance? It isn't too late for us, right? It's okay if you don't love me anymore. I'll do everything to earn it back. I'm sorry if I caused so much pain. I'm sorry if I didn't believe in you. I've read Victoria's diary. Your mom salvaged enough of her memories. She gave Victoria's diary to me. I was doubtful at first but then I saw Sebastian in the picture. He looks just like me. I don't know how Victoria looks but I don't need to know 'cause I have you. You really loved me, right? Not only because of Victoria's blood oath? It's not too late for me to say I love you too? It's okay if you don't tell me that you still lo--" - Luke

I silenced his remaining words with my lips. I felt him smile.
"Mommy, eeewww!" - Lance

Luke and I laughed.
"Baby, meet your daddy." - Wynona

I'll love you for a thousand more

I smiled happily as they introduced themselves to one another. They played with the ball. I felt so complete. I felt everything pieced back together. I never thought of this day coming. The Heaven has good plans after all. It took so many years of pain and heartbreaks but all is happy at the end. Victoria fulfilled her oath. My family is whole. Love is very mysterious and magical.

Did you enjoy? :) I was crying when I wrote this. :(

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2019 ⏰

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