[19] messages

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girl power!

big nose:
alright everyone opening night is in two weeks

big nose:
i have everyone's tickets and you can all crash at my apartment

molly percocet:
i hate musicals but i'm very excited for this

big nose:
awwww molly

molly percocet:
chris evans, not you.

molls he's married

molly percocet:
do you really think that's gonna stop me?

big nose:
molly no

big nose:
you should see him when he calls camille and when she puts emma-ruth on the phone it's so adorable

big nose:
i want that

awww i want that for you too nora

genny from the block:
you won't get it with seb

molly percocet:
well if it isn't the bane of my existence

big nose:
i'm just gonna ignore that

big nose:
are you still coming genny?

genny from the block:
if you'll have me

molly percocet:
she won't

big nose:
i will

big nose:
but just try to have a positive attitude and focus on the show not my boyfriend

is there an after party

i want to get wasted

big nose:
yeah i think chris booked some karaoke bar

molly percocet:
nora we're gonna bust out some lizzo songs i can feel it

big nose:
sounds good!

big nose:
i gotta go seb is calling!! love you guys

genny from the block:

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