"Hey you guys, what has been going on? We heard something about a guest." Armaelie questioned.

"Lazarus happened." Jonah said flatly.

"Oh." She responded. "What happened then?"

"We had a battle and won! Sha'ara was completely amazing and organized a small army to go out and meet them. Anyway, one guy got accidentally killed by a runaway fire ball that Lazarus himself had cast!"

"And there was this other Lazarus follower guy; Sha'ara apparently was feeling strange about him and it turns out he might have lived here and there's a question about a girl that was killed, so they invited him to the meal so people here could question him." Cut in Cryss.

"Wow!" Armaelie exclaimed. Jonah pondered her, and thought it strange that she wasn't more vocal; usually you couldn't get her to shut up when talking about stuff like this. He filed it away though.

Across the way from them, Bri'nna and Shay sat discussing the events, not only of the day, but the new information Sha'ara has found out recently.

"I have to say; she has handled this all so much better than I would have at her age. Imagine finding out that almost everything you thought was one way gets flipped around and it is actually the opposite! Now, Gabri'el is the good guy and Moy'rain has been plotting against you this whole time. And don't take my word for it but," She paused and leaned closer to Shay, "I think he and she might be falling for each other." She whispered with a twinkle in her eye and a secret smile curving her lips.

Shay chuckled low in his throat. "Whoa there Mama Bear; let things go as they will. But I do think you're right; she has shown incredible grace under pressure, especially earlier with Lazarus. I'm proud to know her."

Bri'nna beamed at the compliments. "Oh come on Shay; I thought she and Cryss were headed that way but she squashed that before it got further. A mother has a right to dream doesn't she?"

"Hmm... I concede." He chuckled. "I just think there are too many other things for her to deal with, let's not throw love in too just yet."

"Yes, you are right of course." Bri'nna allowed. "My poor baby girl. Oh, and by the way, I love that you made her the leather cuff! I know it...know it meant so very much to her, and it means a lot to me also." Her mouth curved up gently in a bittersweet smile.

He nodded. Shay thought words would only ruin the moment. Besides, his throat was seized up at the way she looked right then. Right on cue, Sha'ara and Ma'agda walked up to the tables near Shay and Bri'nna to sit.

Sha'ara spotted her brother and the others and waved before sitting down next to Ta'asha who happened to already be there.

"Hi, Ta'asha!" Ma'agda greeted.

She beamed at the two girls. "Hey Ma'agda...Sha'ara."

"Did you hear about Bray?" Sha'ara asked.

"I did hear some bits of rumor flying about. It'll be interesting to see what he has to say. I for one hope he didn't kill Sama...he was her Protector after all."

By that time Cryss, Raphe, Jonah, Armaelie and Jazael had wandered over and sat down. The atmosphere had slowly shifted to thoughtful, quiet, and introspective, as it drew nearer to mealtime. The tables filled up fast as the elders approached and various foods brought out.

"Hello everyone," spoke the elder, "We are blessed to have a guest with us. I understand his name is Bray."

A muffled gasp sounded.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2019 ⏰

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