Chapter Ten

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Things had settled down in the next couple hours. Lazarus and his followers—including the fallen man—had been taken to a facility just outside the borders, while most of the Shia'din had gone back to their various chores or duties.

Shay, Jonah, Ma'agda, Sha'ara, and Bri'nna had stayed as watch for when the men would regain consciousness. Bri'nna had also placed a Net around Lazarus to contain his magic just in case he tried anything.

"Ma'agda, what you were able to do out there was truly amazing! Your powers have grown is such a short time. It was true bravery." Bri'nna complimented.

"Thank you," the girl replied, "I am just as surprised as you are really. Who knew that I could use my magic in a desert? I always thought I needed large amounts of water nearby to draw from."

"What are we going to do about his fallen comrade Mama?" Sha'ara queried while motioning to the prostrate form. "We should give him respect and bury him."

"Yes, you are right, but I think perhaps we should have him sent to where he comes from. He may have family who do not even know he is dead, and would want to bury him as their spiritual practice might dictate."

"Oh, I had not even thought of that." She looked at the man. "It is a cruel twist of fate that he should be killed accidentally by his own leader."

"Yes, quite." Shay added. "One of the men are waking up...look." And his hand rose to point toward the man.

"What...where am I?"His voice had a roughness to it. He stared at Sha'ara. "What are you going to do with us?"

Sha'ara looked in pity at the man, and her lips formed a frown. "I am not going to do anything to you. We have you here so we can ask questions and after we are satisfied that you will not come against us again you will be free to go."

Her arm stretched toward him and after a moment he allowed her to help him to a seat. She sat down across from him, her expression friendly but guarded.

"Now, before we get too far into our questions, we would like to know if this man," she pointed to the fallen man in the corner, "had any family and where he made his home, so that we may send him back to be buried properly and with respect."

"I...I don't actually know much except that he lived near the Ruin. If he had any family, I never heard tell of one, but perhaps Lazarus knows more."

"Thank you," Sha'ara paused; a frown appearing on her face. "I apologize, what is your name?"

"Kael. My name is Kael." He replied.

"So, Kael what had Lazarus told you exactly that made you join him?" she continued. "Please list them one by one so I may clear away some confusion and rebut them."

"He told us that you were bringing destruction. That if The Doors were to be opened, an evil would come and take our world over." The man visibly gained more confidence and peace-of-mind every minute in which he was not harmed.

Sha'ara nodded her head slowly. "Well, I can tell you that I was not purposely bringing evil or destruction into our world. It has only recently come to our attention that the immortal known as Moy'rain may not be what history paints him as."

Kael looked relieved. "So...Lazarus really was only partly right?"

"Yes," she admitted. "So what is the next item? Surely there was more..."

A sharp intake of breath was taken. "He...he said that once he...that once he became King of Sha'anae Doas that those of us that helped him would serve in his court as advisors and such."

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