Chapter 9

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Author's note: I made Rich's lisp based upon the speech impediment I had as a kid, so sorry if it's hard to read. Also last chapter so enjoy. :)

Y/n's POV

Jeremy was asleep when he arrived. Michael and his dad were with him, and his dad was...wearing pants. I know that sounds weird, but all I ever heard about him is that he never wore pants.

I sat next to Rich, holding his hand. Michael and Mr. Heere sat by Jeremy. Rich woke before Jeremy. 

"How do you feel?" I asked him.

"Isch he gone?" he asked in a heavy lisp.

"I think that should answer your question," I said with a smile.

He returned it. "Come here," he said. I scooted my chair closer to him. He smiled at me. "I have schomsing to tell you." 

"What?" I giggled. Before I could get out another word, he grabbed me with his good arm and pulled me to him, connecting our lips.

I pulled back first. "What the hell?"

Mr. Heere cleared his throat. I glanced over at him and Michael. I blushed. 

"We're just gonna..." Michael trailed off as he pulled Mr. Heere out of the room.

I turned back to Rich. "What was that about?"

"I told you sat I like you."

"I thought--you like--wait how--what--" I stuttered. 

Rich laughed. "You schound like Theremy."

I smiled, knowing he was right. "You don't really like me, right? This is a dream?"

"Y/n, how could I not like you?" I felt myself blush harder. "I love the way you act like you don't care about anyone or anysing. I love the way that you let your hair fall over your face whenever you're embrasched becasch you don't want anyone to schee you blusing--juscht like you're doing right now. I love how you act all tomboy and tough all the time, even shough I can schee right schrough your act, L/n. I love how you schtand up for people. I love you dresch like a boy becausch it'sch more comfortable. Schidenote: I might legit be into guys. Am I bi?"

I nodded, laughing. "Definitely. You're my bi boy."

"I'm your bi boyfriend, I sink you mean."

"And I'm your {insert sexuality here} girlfriend," I said, leaning in for a kiss.

"I'm yoursch, and you're mine. I like that," Rich mumbled as he kissed me. After I pulled away, he pulled me on top of him, so that I was sitting on his torso.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

"You're mine, L/n," he said. "You can't go back on it now."

"I wouldn't dream of it," I said, smiling into our kiss.

"Helloooooooo?" We turn to see Jeremy, just waking up. "Ow, ow, ow, ow."

"Don't move then, idiot," I said. He glanced at us. 

"Feelsch like a part of you is misching, doeschn't it?" asked Rich.

He was full on staring now. "What the--hell. When did this happen? And where are we?"

"Like five minutes ago and a hospital," I answered. I began to climb back to my chair, but Rich held me tight. 

"Ow," said Jeremy, trying to sit up.

"Hurtsch like moser--" 

"Language," I said, blocking out his swear. Rich kept on anyways.

"--too. Oh, by the way, what are sey schaying about me at chool? Y/n never said."

I glanced at him. Jeremy looked away. "Damn. Really? That bad?"

"I'm sorry," mumbled Jeremy.

"Schorry?" said Rich. "Why are you schorry? I'm free from my SCHQUIP. I can do whatever I want. I can be wis whoever I want. Including Y/n. Or a dude. FYI, I'm bi now."

I nodded at Jeremy, who looked very confused. "Your SQUIP's gone. But how?"

"Michael," I said simply. 

As if on cue, Michael walked in with his hands over his eyes. "Are you guys still making out? Because I don't want to intrude, but I should really check on Jeremy."

I roll my eyes at him. "Whatever, Michael. Emma and your mom already think we had sex, so it could be worse."

Rich and Jeremy both look at me in sheer awe. "We didn't," I clarify. 

Rich smiles at me. "I really like you."

I smile back. "Everyone does, darling."

"Too bad that you're mine. Sey didn't even have sance." 

He pulled me in for more kisses, and I heard Michael say, "Yeahhh, okay. I'm just gonna give them some privacy and close that curtain."

I pull back and whisper. "I really like you, too."

"I know."

I grin at him. "Look, this is all great and stuff, but I really wanted to read that book, and you stole it."

"I aschked. You could've schaid no."

I pulled myself back into my chair. "Rich, you couldn't say practically anything to me without a supercomputer taking over your entire body...I wasn't gonna say no."

Rich sighed as he handed me my book. "Fine. I'll thuscht eaveschdrop on Theremy and all sem."

I smiled at him for a second to long. 

"What?" he asked.

"Your lisp is so adorable."

"Schut up." I squealed but stopped after Rich gave me a look.

I didn't get far in my book because Rich suddenly said, "Aw, sey're giving him girl advise."

I smiled and listened in. "You gotta buy her a rose, compliment her on her clothes," said Mr. Heere.

"Say you appreciate that she's smart," Michael chimed in.

"Thisch ischn't right at all," laughed Rich as he pulled back the curtain. "Nah, man, you tell her that sche excites you schexually." 

I cackled but went along with it. "And that's the way you get to her heart." I looked at Rich. "Then again, you could just bully her and her closest things to friends for years, join the play she's directing, actually be somewhat kind to her, be completely mean to her again, burn down a house to try to get rid of the SQUIP in your head that's keeping you apart, end up in the hospital, have her visit you in the hospital, and finally admit your feelings after her best friends takes down his SQUIP. But that might take a little more time...."

"We're your best friends?" Michael and Jeremy asked in unison.

"You're her only friendsch," pointed out Rich. "Se'sch kind of a loscher."

I glanced at him, feeling like the SQUIP was reemerging. "What?" I asked, a little quieter than I meant to.

Rich smirked at me. "Sen again, se'sch my loscher"

I grinned. "Damn right, Goranski."

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