chapter two

246 12 8

tw; d*ke slur, f*g slur, homophobia

"Clarkee" Raven whines as she
pulls on her friends arm

"What Rae?"

"Let's go out, c'mon. It's been a while
since we've had fun" the Latino says still pulling on Clarke's arm

"where would we even go" Clarke says still focused on whatever is on her phone

"Uh, the bar, where else?" Raven says looking at her friend dumbfounded

"Not the bar" Clarke says flopping her arms on the couch and groaning
"Hey! You love Shorty's, now get up and let's go!" Raven says finally managing to pull Clarke off the couch

"Not the bar" Clarke says flopping her arms on the couch and groaning"Hey! You love Shorty's, now get up and let's go!" Raven says finally managing to pull Clarke off the couch

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I may look like I'm having fun but she dragged me here

Tagged: RocketRae

Liked by RocketRae Theghostkid girlinred CheeriOs and 536 others

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you went to Shorty's without me, you bitch

They're gonna accidentally drunk post Ravens nudes again, I can sense it

That was ONE TIME

Yeah but one time was enough

Shut up Jasper

Tag yourself, I'm the guy in the back

stream 4am and girls by girlinred

"You're gonna enjoy this, I promise babe" Raven says opening the bar doors

"Only if there's cute girls" Clarke says laughing as she walks into the bar

They both walk into the bar with the sound of chattering people and the clinking of glasses

"And I already regret coming here" Clarke says turning around to leave
"Griffin" Raven says grabbing onto the back of Clarke's shirt

"You're not leaving until you talk to at least one person" the Latino says pulling her friend beside her again

Clarke Groans. "You're not leaving until you talk to at least one person" the blonde says mocking her.


The brunette takes a shot and groans, this guy won't seem to leave her alone even after telling him many times she's not interested

"Heyy, c'mon why won't you say yes to a date" the man says slurring his words

"Because you're piss drunk and annoying and I'm a lesbian, how many times do I have to tell you this?!" the brunette replies pushing him off and gagging because of his alcohol infused breath

"Ohhh, so you're a dyke" the man says smiling and slamming his drink down.

"Y'know that's kinda hot" he says laughing

"Fuck off, dude" the brunette says putting her drink down getting up to leave

"Hey, don't leave!" The man says grabbing her arm


Clarke walks around the bar looking for someone to talk to so she can leave as soon as possible

"Hey let go of me!" the blonde turns around and sees a man trying to pull a girl closer to him

"Hey, dude, fuck off!" she walks over to him and pushes him off of the girl.
"What the fuck!? Are you her dyke girlfriend?!" The guy says stumbling trying to get his footing back

By this time there's a whole crowd around the action all with their phones out

"Dude, just fuck off" Clarke says rolling her eyes and pulling the brunette girls arm trying to get out of the crowd

"Don't walk away from me, fag! Come back and fight me!"

"Alright, that's enough" the blonde says letting go of the girls arm only to turn around and sucker punch the guy.

"What the fuck!" He says holding onto his jaw "What the fuck!" he launches at Clarke in attempt to punch her back but because of his drunken state he trips over nothing and falls into the crowd.

"And its time to leave now" Clarke says pulling the girls arm to go and find Raven.

"Raven uh we need to go" the blonde says tapping on her friends shoulder who's currently making out with some random dude.

The Latino turns around and looks at Clarke, looks at the brunette and then looks at Clarke. "Ohh, I get you, okay" Raven says winking

"What? No! Raven we just need to get out of here" the blonde says slightly raising her voice

"Ok, ok. Let's go. Uh, bye..." Raven says turning back around to say goodbye to the guy she was just making out with

"Finn." The dude says slightly scoffing

They quickly get out of the bar and into the parking lot to get an Uber.

"Thank you for doing that back there, you didn't really have to" the brunette says looking at Clarke

"Yeah uh, no problem."

"So what's your name?" The brunette says, still staring at Clarke

"Clarke, Clarke Griffin. What's yours?"

"Alexandra, Alexandra Woods but uh, Lexa for short"

"And my name's Raven!" the Latino says out of nowhere

"Oh, fuck off Rae"

Wow, I updated lmfao
Uh so yeah I've recently started school which has been really stressful and I hate it so much and want to drop out.
Also, I know that the second half of this chapter makes no sense but I didn't know what to write lmfao.
Anyways! This chapter is dedicated to my number one cryorcry because I love her very much and you should go read her wonderful books, I hope she's doing well because I love her

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2019 ⏰

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