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Today we are going to an important mission .Herr Strucker told us about the cosmic cube,and we are going to take it.We will change the reality and Hydra will conquer the world.Natasha is the last lieutenant he has,so she is the one who knows more

"Hail Hydra!" He then exclaimed ,and we all repeated it.

"Hail Hydra!" We ,all the agents,exclaimed.Today we will change history.I was assigned to go with Herr Strucker,but I would have rather prefer to go with Tasha.

"Good luck ,Nat " I tell her before leaving.She has been somehow distant since the incident ,and ignored me.She left by herself .

While the plane was flying ,Herr Strucker came to tell me something that broke my heart "That scum of Romanoff is a shield agent!"he said as he handed me a localizator,implanted by Nat

I tried my voice not to sound sad "There most be a mistake "I said about to cry,but Herr Strucker got out of the ship.

We went to battle,but we were losing.Some of our agents were caught by cockroaches ,yuck .We board the plane again,I then heard the localizator beep,and a very familiar voice .

"That is the ship with the localizator" Said Nat,her accent very clear.

No!This isn't true.My Nat is a traitor!That can't be truth,no!

As I was thinking that,the pilot tried to scape.Something (actually someone ) grabbed the plane and crashed it .It was then opened,and me and some two agents felt .In front of us,Hawkeye and Tasha were standing there.I did was I told to do.

"Baron Strucker told me to give this to you,traitor " I said with a cracked voice.Im glad that the helmet didn't allow anyone to hear my real voice .

"Oh oh" I heard Barton said.They are going after Herr Strucker now

"Why Natasha?" I screamed as she left .I wonder if she ever felt anything for me.After we win,Im going to talk with her.I don't care if she is Shield,I love her.

We lost .The Cosmic Cube was a total fail,and we were defeated.I had to hide,since Shield is looking for all Hydra agents.I hided in an alley,and noticed someone else was with me.Natasha.I walked towards her

"Do you feel something for me?" I asked her.She looked at me and laugh .

" Of course I don't ,Hydra scum." She said coldly "The only reason I won't kill you is because you were useful"

"You told me that you loved me!" I said heartbroken .

"I'm a spy,a liar"she said " You may be pretty ,but I'm in love with someone else.I don't care about you,Hydra scum." I then began to cry "You're pathetic" she told me

She then went ,and I stayed in the alley crying .I saw as she walked were Hawkeye was.I had to close my eyes,because I knew what they did then,and my heart couldn't handle it.She then ran away,and all I did was to stay there.

[Nat's POV]

I can't believe I did that to Eleanor.I wish I could tell her the truth,but I can't .She choose her loyalties,and I chose mine.Just leaving her like that,after all we have been through together it's just horrible .

I do love her,but I also love Clint.I chose Clint since I have been more time with him,but I still love Eleanor .I hope she can find someone else,woman or man,that can make her forgive me.She is young ,like 18,and she can still find someone .

I just hope she finds someone who is a good person,not like me.

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